However, it's not quite that cut and dried. How big do you have to get before the performance impact of nuclear power is actually relevant on a decent PC? I decided to do some testing.
- Factorio version 1.1
- Fluid calculations received a big update in 0.18 as described in Friday Facts #260, #271, and #274 (and probably others - let me know).
- Since the name of the game is UPS, I am not concerned with steam buffering or anything else having to do with efficiency of fuel consumption.
- Other than the above, I made no special effort to find the most UPS-optimized blueprint out there. It should be possible to beat these numbers.
Code: Select all
OS: Arch Linux x86_64
CPU: Intel i7-9750H (12) @ 4.5GHz [56.0°on]
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile / Max-Q
Memory: 4.10GiB / 15.48GiB
To ensure all turbines are working, I used an infinity accumulator on input mode with tertiary priority. The system produces 168GW of power:
Finally, I ran benchmarks on the save:
Code: Select all
Performed 1000 updates in 11759.384 ms
avg: 11.759 ms, min: 10.068 ms, max: 26.914 ms
checksum: 341987715
15.962 Goodbye
What do you think? Do these results confirm the popular wisdom or is this myth busted?