Development and Discussion

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

Moderator: Arch666Angel

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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by valneq »

Daniel_Morgret wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 2:31 pm Angel,
I love your mod, but this change (0.12.0) made it significantly more difficult to get rid of excess nickel by making it harder to get cobalt.
Would you mind providing more details with this balancing issue?
What mod configuration (angel's only, +bob's mods, overhaul) are you playing with?
Where do you get excess nickel from? Can you reduce the amount of excess nickel by choosing alternative recipes for the products that have nickel as by-product?
At what technology level do you first experience this issue? Are there alternative technologies that might help later on?
Is the connection to cobalt the recipes for Molten iron (4) and Molten steel (4)?
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Zyrconia »

lovely_santa wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:52 pm The new update is released. You can view the complete changelog on github or ingame for each mod separate.
Be aware, this update contains breaking changes!
We have compatibility for existing bases (as usual), but be prepared to rebuild your ore sorting facilities since most of the chunk and crystal refining recipes changed. The details about the changes can be viewed in this (github) post (or read the whole post if you're curious about our thinking process).
Zyrconia wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:08 pm Did the latest release change chunk sorting output?

All my aluminium/silver/gold lines are now messed up...

Cobalt too!

In fact several ores have been moved to Orange science...
Yes it did, see above. Pez did release early today, and I had to go to work, such that I didn't have time to mention this on the forums. It is mentioned in the changelog of angels refining.
Thanks for the info!

I'm playing again and have a document almost prepared with feedback.

But before that, I just reached the Bob's modules phase and it appears I can no longer continue: the modules lab requires a lab which is disabled!

How do I continue?

Edit: I'm playing with Angel's Components + Angel's Research + full Bob's.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Airat9000 »

:D again my questions Space Exploration compatible... ????
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Zyrconia »

Airat9000 wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:38 pm :D again my questions Space Exploration compatible... ????
Are you crazy? Do you want a 500 hour game on a single map :lol: ?

I'm playing with Angel's Tech/Components/Science and probably I'll hit the rocket stage at around 200 hours...

But as far as I know, not compatible. That would be quite a massive undertaking...
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Airat9000 »

Zyrconia wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:23 pm
Airat9000 wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:38 pm :D again my questions Space Exploration compatible... ????
Are you crazy? Do you want a 500 hour game on a single map :lol: ?

I'm playing with Angel's Tech/Components/Science and probably I'll hit the rocket stage at around 200 hours...

But as far as I know, not compatible. That would be quite a massive undertaking...

:D 50000 hours!!! my dream crazy :D wait in angels compatible
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by valneq »

Airat9000 wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:38 pm :D again my questions Space Exploration compatible... ????
Angel's mods do not provide any compatibility towards Space Exploration, neither does Space Exploration provide any form of compatibility towards Angel's mods.
If you break it, you get to keep the parts!
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by TTTime05 »

Is there any plans to add bio-gas to Angel's Bio Refining? It is somewhat odd that making methane from entirely biological sources is impossible without using advanced synthesis gas refining, particularly since it isn't overly complex to create what is functionally acid gas from chucking some plants and poo in an anaerobic digester. If I had any modding or artistic skill, I would do it. But I possess nothing but basic Python knowledge, so I can't do it
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Frenzier »

I cant use Additional electrical engines from krastorio 2 for increased acceleration on the mass transit trains, is this an issue on which end? if its on angels, please add that possibility.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by damiankain »

Good day. I have a problem with electric trains Mass transit mod. Forced engines do not work with an increase in speed of 30% and 60%. They can be inserted into the train, they will even be charged from yellow batteries or from reactors. They will consume energy, but they will not work. Let's take a yellow train as an example. At my level of technology, everything has been studied, down to white cans. And the game shows a speed of about 300 + 1000 for a regular train. For electric it shows 300 + 45. And no combination of modules works. Tell me what am I doing wrong? Is this a mod bug? Is there a chance for this error to be fixed? Thanks.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by lovely_santa »

Heads up: If no more issues arises, you can all expect an early xmas present this weekend :D
damiankain wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:18 pm Good day. I have a problem with electric trains Mass transit mod. (...)
The electric versions are not maintained by us, this is not an angels mod.
Frenzier wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:06 am I cant use Additional electrical engines from krastorio 2 for increased acceleration on the mass transit trains, is this an issue on which end? if its on angels, please add that possibility.
We do not add compatibility for krastorio at this point...
TTTime05 wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:47 pm Is there any plans to add bio-gas to Angel's Bio Refining? It is somewhat odd that making methane from entirely biological sources is impossible without using advanced synthesis gas refining, particularly since it isn't overly complex to create what is functionally acid gas from chucking some plants and poo in an anaerobic digester. If I had any modding or artistic skill, I would do it. But I possess nothing but basic Python knowledge, so I can't do it
If you can write out all the recipes and chains you want to add, I am happy to look into it?
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by lovely_santa »

lovely_santa wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:45 pm Heads up: If no more issues arises, you can all expect an early xmas present this weekend :D
The new update is released! Happy christmas everyone! Enjoy the game with friends and family (and biters). You can view the complete changelog on github or ingame for each mod separate.
You can find all my mods on the mod portal. Also helping on Arch666Angel's mods.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by RedDragonGecko »

angelserror.png (57.81 KiB) Viewed 9455 times
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by hylke94 »

After the update this evening, the mod would not load anymore. Yesterday (without the updates out yet) I played fine.

The error message:
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by lovely_santa »

First patch with bugfixes is released. Find the changelog on github or for each mod separate on the mod portal.

@hylke94 and @RedDragonGecko; both bugs were already reported and should be fixed in the patch release.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by hylke94 »

@lovely_santa I saw the update, thanks. Now the mod will load again. But I stumble upon a dependency cicle... Not sure if it is totally angels related, bu it still clashes with some aai mod I guess...

Error message:
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by lovely_santa »

hylke94 wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:50 pm @lovely_santa I saw the update, thanks. Now the mod will load again. But I stumble upon a dependency cicle... Not sure if it is totally angels related, bu it still clashes with some aai mod I guess...

Error message:
That seems like a dependency cycle with science cost tweaker (sct). Upon searching for this; this bug was already reported to science cost tweaker to be fixed.
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Re: Development and Discussion

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Been a while since i played angel+bob mix. Planing a new playthrough and cant decide on the mods.

Question: with all the new additions now to angel's suite of mods for science and components, is bobs even providing a significant difference now?
(I never played one without the other before)

What does bob really add to the angel experience and productions chains besides higher tiers of belt/machines/pewpew equipment/enemies?

trying to decide if I should try with or without the bob stuff, would removing bobs be weird on the production chain?
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Gnarker »

Apparently, the Thermal Water being mined from fissures comes out at a scalding 25°C. An oversight? Realistically, it should be plenty hot enough to run through a heat exchanger.

As a sidenote, would it be possible to add molten salt as a more efficient working fluid for high-temperature generators?
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by valneq » wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:26 pm Been a while since i played angel+bob mix. Planing a new playthrough and cant decide on the mods.

Question: with all the new additions now to angel's suite of mods for science and components, is bobs even providing a significant difference now?
(I never played one without the other before)

What does bob really add to the angel experience and productions chains besides higher tiers of belt/machines/pewpew equipment/enemies?

trying to decide if I should try with or without the bob stuff, would removing bobs be weird on the production chain?
It depends. Angel's Mods now comes in three modes!

When loading Angel's Mods without Bob's Mods & default mod settings, you only get a very slightly more complicated version of vanilla Factorio, since the only
available metal ores are iron & copper. Nonetheless Ingel's Smelting provides a more involved way of getting plates from ore.

Angel's Industries has a mod setting to activate "Industry Overhaul" which re-adds bob's ores into Angel's even if bob's ores is not loaded, and it also re-activates all of the involved production chains.

The "Component Overhaul" and "Technology Overhaul" options from Angel's Industries add additional complexity into Angel's, and force-activate "Industry Overhaul".
Component Overhaul changes the way you produce machines, by introducing many more intermediate items.
Technology Overhaul re-invents the way you do science! New Science packs, entirely different tech tree.

Whether or not you want to have Bob's machines, logistics, etc present with any of the Overhaul options is entirely your choice.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Blu3wolf »

Arch666Angel wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:59 pm In collaboration with lovely_santa
Is it intentional that the CAB cannot use the vehicle construction/repair roboports?
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