Honktown wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:16 amSettings aren't really documented at all, which may be more of the "confusion". The only page is: https://wiki.factorio.com/Tutorial:Mod_settings . With regards to data and data:extend, extend is a function you can see in core/lualib/dataloader.lua (it is nothing magical, just puts stuff in data,raw). settings also has a settings-update, and settings-final-fixes phase, for other mods to alter existing settings (hiding,restricting, changing, etc). See https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/Data-Lifecycle.html . The data.raw on the wiki only is from the data stage (and a separate one for settings stage would be an empty data.raw table... because there are no mod settings by default.)
I've made a minor addition to https://wiki.factorio.com/Tutorial:Mod_ ... o_settings, do you think it's an acceptable edit?
-> Thank you for adding this to https://wiki.factorio.com/Tutorial:Mod_settings, I also added some more info.