[1.1.49] Error loading save "Entity ... belongs to invalid force index"

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Manual Inserter
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[1.1.49] Error loading save "Entity ... belongs to invalid force index"

Post by Iliurgul »

Hello there!

I try to load my game as usual, and during loading the next message appears:
Entity [name=biter-spawner, type=unit-spawner, position={-2303.0000000000, 1211.5000000000}, setup=false, owned-by-ghost=false, to-be-deconstructed=false, to-be-upgraded=false, simulation=false] belongs to invalid force index=130

My +190h game had worked well until now. I played for the last time last Thursday 16 on my laptop during a trip, everything was fine. Today I returned home and when I loaded the game on my PC (Steam sync) I got that error.
I tried to load the game on my laptop, the same error came up.
None of the three _autosave works either.
I have updated the mods, but the error remains.
I have contacted the mod pack creator Space Exploration (@Earendel) but he tells me that "I don't dynamically create new forces or put biters on non-enemy forces", and he told me this is worth to report here.

Any ideas what could have happened? Please ask for more details if needed ^^

Log file in the attachtments
Save file (84 MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ae90a75d1d5z8oo/Partida%20espacial%20Portatil.zip?dl=0
(41.01 KiB) Downloaded 123 times
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Re: [1.1.49] Error loading save "Entity ... belongs to invalid force index"

Post by Rseding91 »

Force ID value 130 is binary 10000010 (invalid in your save)
Force ID value 2 is binary 00000010 (enemy force)

So, you had a single bit get flipped in your RAM and it saved an invalid value to the save file. This could be a completely random thing or it could mean your RAM is going bad. You can try running something like https://www.memtest.org/ and see if it spots anything.

I edited the 1 bit back to a 0 and the save file now loads.
Partida espacial Portatil fixed.zip
(81.55 MiB) Downloaded 143 times
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Manual Inserter
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Re: [1.1.49] Error loading save "Entity ... belongs to invalid force index"

Post by Iliurgul »

Awesome! Nice find, thank you so much for fixing my save.

I did a RAM test. I don't know how to interpret the result, but I guess red line is not good :roll:


It is a 10 years old laptop, and even so it runs Factorio (at low) without any problems (until now). So I will be more careful in the future to avoid losing saves due to random bit flips.

Thanks to all of you for your time!
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Re: [1.1.49] Error loading save "Entity ... belongs to invalid force index"

Post by Rseding91 »

Yeah that means your RAM is going or has gone bad. You could replace it; but if the laptop is 10 years old I'm not sure if it would be worth it over just getting a new laptop. Or making a lot of saves with different names so when it breaks again you can try an older save.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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