Personal Roboport Different Color

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Different color or an outline for personal roboport area

Post by Double_DeluXe »

I cannot see what my personal roboport range is while standing next/into the area of an existing roboport.
A slightly darker green or even something different like a blue outline would be my first suggestion for a color. (it will have to be visible over/through the orange area as well for this to work)

Why would I want this:
I want to work faster!
I often find myself in an situation where I want the network I am standing in to construct a blueprint, instead of my personal bots which act first and pull from my inventory.
So I either walk out of range by estimate, as I have no way of telling how far it reaches.
Or have to take out my personal roboports, plop the blueprint down and put them back in.
An example would be building a big oil plant; while I have some pipe in my inventory, I'd rather have the construction bots pull from the logistics network so my personal supply of pipes isn't suddenly depleted.

The bigger I build the more often I find myself going through this ritual, if I were able to see at a glance what the range of my personal roboport is then I would be able to work faster!

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Re: Different color or an outline for personal roboport area

Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=20566 Changes for the Personal Roboport
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personal and regular roboport construction area overlap

Post by OutlawStar »

when the two types of roboports (personal roboports and roboports) have overlapping construction areas the player cannot distinguish between them. This can cause difficulty when attempting to build using the personal roboport while in range of roboports. could you make the overlapping area a darker green perhaps...?

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Re: personal and regular roboport construction area overlap

Post by FactorioParadox »

I think that rather than make the overlap a dark green, the entire personal construction area should be a dark green...unless your saying you're having difficulting building in the range of both of them.

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Re: personal and regular roboport construction area overlap

Post by Firedodger »

Honestly this sounds like a good idea (and easy to implement?) I sometimes regret deconstructing large sites when I didn't notice I was inside my bases construction area looking at my personal bots only picking up once and then wondering what went wrong till I see the cavelary arrive haha.

Vouch from me :)

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Re: personal and regular roboport construction area overlap

Post by OutlawStar »

Actually making the personal roboport's area color a darker green at all times would work just as well IMO.

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Personal Roboport Different Color

Post by JackTheSpades »

Have the area covered by the personal Roboport be a different color.

What ?
Roboports have the yellow/orange-ish area which indicates the connected network and the green area to show the range they can cover. The personal roboport has the same green tone to indicate the covered area.
Sure. Same color same purpose. Makes sense.
Why ?
Despite the same color making sense, it constantly happens to me that I place blueprints outside of the range of my normal roboports because I can't tell where the normal range ends and my personal range begins. So when my inventory runs out I don't really worry about it, thinking the bots are gonna take care of it only to find out that it was actually out of range (which you don't notice while placing blueprints).
I can toggle the personal roboport to make it visually clear and not have it interfere but it's a pain to do all the time just to see where the actual area of effect for the main roboports is.
I think a slightly different green tone in color would make life easier.

Then again... maybe it's just me.

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Re: Personal Roboport Different Color

Post by Roxor128 »

I'm not so sure if just a different shade of green would be enough. Maybe something a bit more distinctive, like an overlay of gears from the game's logo in a lighter or darker shade of green to indicate the personal roboport coverage area.

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Re: Personal Roboport Different Color

Post by ptx0 »

while we're at it, some colourblind friendly vanilla options?

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Re: Personal Roboport Different Color

Post by ssilk »

ptx0 wrote:
Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:08 pm
while we're at it, some colourblind friendly vanilla options?
Wrong subject. Look here: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22760
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Re: Personal Roboport Different Color

Post by ickputzdirwech »

[ick] Merget three topics about a different color for personal roboport area.

+1 Very good Idea.
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Re: Personal Roboport Different Color

Post by mrvn »

This would also apply to overlapping construction networks. You can have roboports that are not connected by a logistic network overlap in the construction area. Instead of just a different color for the personal roboport how about making each construction area transparent. Where 2 areas overlap you get twice the tint. For this overlapping roboports in the same logistic network do not count.

Situation where this would be better:

1) overlapping construction zones of unconnected roboports
2) placing a new roboport
3) 2 players with overlapping personal roboports

In multiplayer games I found myself next to where someone places a blueprint and wanted to get out of reach to preserve my stash of building material. Or avoid deconstructing his stuff or get spammed with 10k stone when a chest gets deconstructed.

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Re: Personal Roboport Different Color

Post by FuryoftheStars »

mrvn wrote:
Fri Nov 05, 2021 3:11 pm
This would also apply to overlapping construction networks. You can have roboports that are not connected by a logistic network overlap in the construction area. Instead of just a different color for the personal roboport how about making each construction area transparent. Where 2 areas overlap you get twice the tint. For this overlapping roboports in the same logistic network do not count.

Situation where this would be better:

1) overlapping construction zones of unconnected roboports
2) placing a new roboport
3) 2 players with overlapping personal roboports

In multiplayer games I found myself next to where someone places a blueprint and wanted to get out of reach to preserve my stash of building material. Or avoid deconstructing his stuff or get spammed with 10k stone when a chest gets deconstructed.
This sounds like a great way to handle it.

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