LuaEntityPrototype.recipe_tintable :: dictionary[string → Color] [R]

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LuaEntityPrototype.recipe_tintable :: dictionary[string → Color] [R]

Post by lovely_santa »

Currently it is not possible to derive if a machine supports recipe tints or not. It would be great if we could read this from the LuaEntityPrototype for debugging purposes to find inconsistencies in our mods.

I suggest adding a property:

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recipe_tintable :: dictionary[string → Color] [Read-only]
    The recipe tints used by this CraftingMachine or nil.
Possible keys in the dictionary are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary" and "quaternary". Each of these keys have a corresponding value nil if the tint layer is unused. Otherwise the value could be set to the default tint color.

Thanks for considering.
You can find all my mods on the mod portal. Also helping on Arch666Angel's mods.
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