Wildfire's new single

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Wildfire's new single

Post by elonoic »

Hey guys,

I've been playing factorio for quite some time, with some breaks here and there.

But today, I come to you to present you with one of the latest products of my work.
Wildfire is a band from Portugal, roughly 3 years old, and we recently finished recording our first-ish album. It will be available in the 9th of january, in most digital stores.

Our single was just released, 3 days ago, give or take, and I want to know what you all think of the song!

I'll leave 2 links here, one is our facebook page, the other one is the youtube link to our single named Sahara Tides!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildfirerockgroup

Sahara Tides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQV70KyYcPw

Thank you for your time, hope you guys enjoy our new song!
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