on the mod page of my newly deployed mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/nco-Advan ... rification the field-validation prevents me from adding a reference to the related git repository.
The mod-repo is located in https://github.com/nicolas-lang/Factori ... ification/ which would translate to nicolas-lang/Factorio.AdvancedAirPurification when using just <username>/<repository>
When i use these values in the edit/create form I get the message
Code: Select all
Error in the Github repo field - Github repo must be in the form: "<username>/<repository>" or empty
P.S. the field is also very very short, from a grapical standpoint I can only read "nicolas-lang/Factorio.Ad", while it is no bug i would suggest to improve readibilty by making the field longer in the css.