Impersonation of original mod author

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Impersonation of original mod author

Post by ziyandechengguan »

(Sorry,although I am a translator, I am really not good at communicating in English.)

I am the owner of Chinese localization mod(now),and I use the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 like the others.

But a few days ago,a user called “anye77” released a mod(The mod name is zh-CNMOD,now he has deleted it) and include all my documents in it except control.lua.And the mod hasno authorization or source is marked.I was very angry and I warned him in the discuss(OK,I admit that I did say some dirty words).But the next day,he deleted the “zh-CNMOD”,and released a mod called “caonima(this is dirty word in Chinese)”,and changed the same tittle with my mod.And he writed a lot of dirty words on the preview.The most irritating thing is,I don't know when he changed his user ID to“zIyandechengguan”,and my ID is “ziyandechengguan”.

I can't believe there will be such a disgusting person on earth.And I am also annoyed that I can't do anything.By the way,my mod is the best localization mod for every Chinese player.So,his behavior has not only affected me,he affects every Chinese player who wants to use localization during this time.

The more frustrating thing is,if the administrator just deletes the mod or bans his forum account.He can unlink the steam amount and use another email address and then repeat the above things.Damn it,this feels terrible.
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Someone uses the same title in info.json to impersonate the original author

Post by Robertori-L »

The mod URL is here The URL of the mod being imitated is
The author’s previous Username was anye77 ,Now he changes the Username to zlyandechengguan. And this is also imitating the original author’s Username ziyandechengguan. This mod is a translation mod, He misled players to download his mod caonima, and insulted the original author in the mod description. I think this behavior is very bad, by uploading a useless mod to personally attack others.
Regarding the cause of this matter, I will quote a discussion under this mod below:
URL ... a6ee36cc8b
Plagiarism and Swearing
At the beginning, the author of this mod copied the content of many mods—mainly zh-ch-remake—and put them together without making changes. Then, one of the victims, ziyandechenguan who had been updating and maintaining the zh-cn-remake mod had a conversation with anye77. Afterwards, anye77 took that mod down and uploaded this. Both the thumbnail and the description of this mod are long-winded swearings and curses towards ziyandechenguan.
tbh, the original is published under the MIT license, but anye77 did put in work to make it better and is now polluting the community.
tldr: anye77 uploaded this mod to swear at and curse the ziyandechenguan after being called out for plagiarism.
Please give this person the punishment he/she deserves. This kind of content shouldn't be here.

This mod zhcnremake is the result of the efforts of many people, which may lead to these efforts in vain. And I like this game very much, I don’t want Mod Portal to become a place for verbal abuse. I am not sure if it is appropriate to report this matter here. I'm sorry if this matter should not be reported here.
[WK4J$4Q[5}ZO1]G_CF(0$H.png (229.96 KiB) Viewed 2710 times
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Re: Someone uses the same title in info.json to impersonate the original author

Post by eradicator »

The google translation of that text certainly seems to have a certain tone. And the user-name thing is a clear attempted impersonation. But due to MIT license this is likely not plagiarism. The official support email address might be a better place to report this.

Also duplicate of 4-minute earlier thread: 99752
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
Mod support languages: 日本語, Deutsch, English
My code in the post above is dedicated to the public domain under CC0.
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Re: I need the help of an administrator

Post by eradicator »

ziyandechengguan wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 5:58 am I use the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 like the others.
If it's the mod linked in this 99753 thread - that's marked as MIT on the portal.
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
Mod support languages: 日本語, Deutsch, English
My code in the post above is dedicated to the public domain under CC0.
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Re: Someone uses the same title in info.json to impersonate the original author

Post by ziyandechengguan »

eradicator wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:27 pm The google translation of that text certainly seems to have a certain tone. And the user-name thing is a clear attempted impersonation. But due to MIT license this is likely not plagiarism. The official support email address might be a better place to report this.

Also duplicate of 4-minute earlier thread: 99752
Thanks,I saw the name and description changed.But he still using dirty words on the adress of homepage and using the same tittle.I may need others help.

Actually, what makes me angry is his bad attitude, not plagiarism.It seems like eat a fly.

OK,thank again for you help.
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Re: Someone uses the same title in info.json to impersonate the original author

Post by eradicator »

ziyandechengguan wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:49 pm Thanks,I saw the name and description changed.
Yea. Luckily there's pictures here in the thread. And hopefully Wube has a backup of the full text on their servers for investigation.
ziyandechengguan wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:49 pm he still using dirty words on the adress of homepage
I tried deciphering that "小孩没屁眼" with a dictionary. Something like "small of stature and an asshole"? Sounds pretty uncreative to me. The internet is full of idiots ;).
ziyandechengguan wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:49 pm Actually, what makes me angry is his bad attitude
Yea. I know the feeling. I've also had a self-righteous dilettante re-publish one of my mods once. Luckily their incompetence didn't get them very far. After that I switched everything to a less permissive license :/. Your best bet is still the support email I'd say.

PS: Have to admit your mods link to an unrelated flash gaming portal(?) also seems a bit out-of-place.
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
Mod support languages: 日本語, Deutsch, English
My code in the post above is dedicated to the public domain under CC0.
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