First I get a full list of mods using:
Code: Select all
mods="$(curl | jq --raw-output '.results[] | .name')"
Code: Select all
printf $mods | while read i; do curl"$i"/full | jq '.' > /home/jdf/mods/$i.json; done
Code: Select all
jq --slurp '.' /home/jdf/mods/*.json > /home/jdf/mods/concatenate.json
Code: Select all
jq --compact-output '.[] | {(.name):}' /home/jdf/mods/concatenate.json > /home/jdf/mods/concatenate-licenses.json
Code: Select all
{"VehicleGrids-Reduced":"GNU LGPLv3"}
{"Vehicle Wagon":"MIT"}
{"VersepellesAlienFarm":"Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International"}
Why then is the API missing these licenses? Why is there no easy way to sort or filter mods by attributes like their license on the Mod Portal? Why do I have to send 8000+ requests just to get incomplete data? I don't know the answer to these questions, but it keeps me up at night.