Code: Select all
/c rendering.draw_text( { text =, target = game.player.selected, target_offset = { 0, - 3.7 }, surface = game.player.surface, color = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, scale = 2, alignment = 'center' } )
Code: Select all
/c rendering.draw_text( { text =, target = game.player.selected, target_offset = { 0, - 3.7 }, surface = game.player.surface, color = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, scale = 2, alignment = 'center' } )
Your thoughts were correct, with the parameter draw_on_ground I was able to draw under the FoW. Although it solves my problem, it just looks ugly. I would like to draw above the player and below the FoW. I think a new API parameter "draw_on_fog" is needed.Qon wrote: Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:37 am I think lines are always not drawn in FoW, so not sure why it's different (if it is). Lines can be drawn on top of entities and below, is it the same for text? Does that alter how text is affected for FoW maybe? Just throwing guesses out of things I would test.