It would use all of the parameters of draw_line, but instead of "from" and "to", it would use draw_polygon's "vertices" (named "points") and "target". Optionally have a "closed" parameter that connects the last vertex with the first.
Currently drawing a path requires drawing each individual line segment, but with a polyline this could be done with a single rendering element. It would also make changing the colour/style/visibility of the path a trivial operation, rather than having to update every single element (or more realistically, destroy and re-draw the path).
Example: drawing a dashed-outline square
Code: Select all
-- current
-- note last vertex is duplicated to close the shape
---@type Position[]
local vertices = {{-10,-10}, {10,-10}, {10,10}, {-10,10}, {-10,-10}}
local graphics = {}
for i=2,#vertices do
table.insert(graphics, rendering.draw_line{
surface = game.surfaces[1],
from = vertices[i-1],
to = vertices[i],
color = {1,1,0},
width = 1,
dash_length = 1,
gap_length = 1
Code: Select all
-- proposed new
---@type ScriptRenderVertexTarget[]
local vertices = {
{target = {-10,-10}},
{target = {10,-10}},
{target = {10,10}},
{target = {-10,10}}
local graphic = rendering.draw_polyline{
surface = game.surfaces[1],
points = vertices,
closed = true,
color = {1,1,0},
width = 1,
dash_length = 1,
gap_length = 1