Hardcore Vanilla

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Hardcore Vanilla

Post by Mskvaer »

"There is no 'right' way to play Factorio, do what gives you pleasure" is often the answer in some discussions/discord chats. I agree.

I am a Hardcore Vanilla player <said in that kind of voice of peoplewho are in therapy group > ;)

Definitly no mods, and very rarely have I tweaked anything in the map generator. The alternative maps have been tried (Railworld, Ribbon, and a few seconds of Deathworld :( ) but I quickly come back to Default : "The way it is intended" 8-)

I have a few Sandbox games used to test functionality (like trains in intersections, where I basically only have a trains shuttle around to provoke the signals) and adjust my blueprints for science pack production.

Yes, I have briefly tried a mod or two, just to be able to say I have tried.

In short, IMnsHO (IMHO with "not so" in the middle ;) ) I prefer the carefully and lovingly :heart: designed unadorned game. 1100 hours according to Steam, 12 Achievemnts to go. Sometimes enjoyment isnt speed or size.

Mskvaer - Hardcore Vanilla and proud of it :) :geek:
(Yes, I also choose quality vanilla ice cream.)
| M | (almost 3000 hours)
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Re: Hardcore Vanilla

Post by quinor »

Congrats Mskvaer in your addiction!

Curious thing, Factoro was actually developed with all of the alternative maps in mind and for example Railworld is I think the #2 (or #1 really if you look at what the trains are designed to do) way the game is "supposed" to be played. Technically mods are too with the amount of effort that's been put into the mod API stuffs.

All that said, I'm happy you found your favorite way of playing the game :)
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Re: Hardcore Vanilla

Post by JimBarracus »

Hello, I am a vanilla player.

I actually prefer death world, because biters are way to easy to kill and on default settings the groups are way too small.

Trainworld has no biter expansion and the ore fields are larger/ further apart.
Later on its just clearing land and expanding the grid. With biter expansion you also need to protect the claimed land.
sure both gets tedious over time, but having to keep an eye on all defenses spices it up a little.

On default ore settings you may have to skip small ore fields that are not worth being connected.
Trainworld is just optimized for trains.
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Re: Hardcore Vanilla

Post by blazespinnaker »

The problem with mods is that they encourage developers to leave gaps in their implementation

"oh, someone will make a mod"

Fortunately, the factorio dev were pretty good at not falling into that trap. So good, that most of the mods don't seem necessary :)

I've tried a bunch of mods, but I prefer vanilla. I've implemented some myself, though didn't publish them.

The only mod that I think is awesomely necessary is the recipe randomizer one. I encourage everyone to try it out. Every game becomes a unique challenge. And it's so fun finding out that a particular item is either easy or hard to assemble.

I consider deathworld to be vanilla, btw. I think you mean default if you don't mean deathworld.

Actually, I have made one change -


In config. I absolutely can not stand playing the game when the initial patches are spread out, but I dislike spoiling the rest of the map via preview. hat tip NotRexButCaesar .. what a great suggestion.
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Re: Hardcore Vanilla

Post by jodokus31 »

I recently released a mod collection as my take to spice up vanilla, but keeping it quite original in most parts. Everything is optional:
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Re: Hardcore Vanilla

Post by firestar246 »

I'm a big mod player, but also really enjoy just the vanilla, and understand why many stick with it. However, once I discovered the bottleneck mod a while back, I could never go back to pure vanilla. It just makes it so much easier to spot where my lack of supply is coming from.

But I agree that the vanilla is perfect just the way it is.
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