Alert arrows for custom alerts & an API to trigger them

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Alert arrows for custom alerts & an API to trigger them

Post by raiguard »

I would like to request that alert arrows be made to work with custom alerts (whether that be from programmable speakers or those created by mods). It seems strange that arrows are drawn for built-in alerts, but not custom ones.
Screenshot from 2021-06-13 11-33-15.png
Screenshot from 2021-06-13 11-33-15.png (86.71 KiB) Viewed 709 times
Additionally, I would love to be able to toggle the arrows on/off with a function on the player. The reason being that I'm experimenting with a better alerts GUI, which means that I'm hiding the vanilla alerts GUI. The vanilla alerts GUI is the only way to make these arrows appear, and the feature is so useful that not being able to use it would be a deal-breaker for this mod if the experiment is successful.

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