[1.1.34] No robots assigned to clear the trees, new construction robots keep hovering

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[1.1.34] No robots assigned to clear the trees, new construction robots keep hovering

Post by GuidoCram »

I found this on my map, and coming back an hour later it was still the same. Bots just recharge, nothing else happens. It seems there are no robots assigned to remove the trees.
2021-05-30_14-56-50.png (1.16 MiB) Viewed 1860 times
I don't know how to reproduce this issue, just found it at some moment on my map. Then I waited an hour but still there. Restart of the game or the application makes no difference.

The same situation can be found in the attached saved game at:
* 458,1216
* 761, 973
* 915, 973
* 971, 689
* 922, 496 (possible, outside visible area)

Possible relevant information:
* The players with roboport has not been nearby when and after the blueprints were placed.
* The blueprints was layed over earliers explored land.
* The blueprint contained multiple roboports, to expant the roboport area.
* The parts with the issue were not in any roboport area when the blueprint was placed.
* The parts with the issue came in roboport area bacause roboports from the blueprint were placed (expanding the roboport area).
* The roboport system has enough robots for the jobs and enough logistics storage space.
Guido XXIV.zip
(20.84 MiB) Downloaded 120 times
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Re: [1.1.34] No robots assigned to clear the trees, new construction robots keep hovering

Post by disentius »

Try putting a storage logistics chest in the same network. I think they are stalled because they can not store the demolished trees.
(EDIT) Do you see any warnings ion the map view window?
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Re: [1.1.34] No robots assigned to clear the trees, new construction robots keep hovering

Post by Loewchen »

The bots tasked with the tree deconstructions are in an infinite loop trying to bridge the two gigantic holes in your network at the lakes. NaB.
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Re: [1.1.34] No robots assigned to clear the trees, new construction robots keep hovering

Post by GuidoCram »

An infinite loop is not a bug?

I would suggest a robot will not recharge at the same roboport untill the job is executed. Alternative option would be a robot will plan it's route when it's recharging at a roboport it has recharged before. Or at least it's next recharging point.
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Re: [1.1.34] No robots assigned to clear the trees, new construction robots keep hovering

Post by NotRexButCaesar »

GuidoCram wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 5:45 am An infinite loop is not a bug?
It is not.
GuidoCram wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 5:45 am I would suggest a robot will not recharge at the same roboport untill the job is executed. Alternative option would be a robot will plan it's route when it's recharging at a roboport it has recharged before. Or at least it's next recharging point.
Please make a post under one of the already existing threads in the ideas and suggestions section.
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