Barely visible violet/blue lines behind the rails

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Burner Inserter
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Barely visible violet/blue lines behind the rails

Post by AristomachosCZ »

(Czech version below)

Dear developers,

I have noticed a presence of thin barely visible blue (or violet) lines behind the rails. It looks like the rails have these lines in their graphic background (I think this might be the root of this issue). The blue lines can only be seen in a certain zoom range like for example during zooming in in the map view or at max zoom out in normal view (it could also be seen in the blueprint window).

You can see the screeshots with my commentary at and I am sending the original files here as an attachment.

Yours faithfully


Vážení vývojáři,

dovoluji si Vám touto cestou oznámit nalezení drobného nešvaru týkajícího se grafického zpracování kolejí. Během hraní (spatřil jsem to poprvé v sandboxu při nastavení neutrálního pozadí) jsem si povšiml tenkých nepatrných (průhledných?) modrofialových čar v pozadí za kolejemi, nejvíce viditelných v místech ohybu kolejí. Tyto čáry byly vidět zejména (na mém monitoru [1680 x 1050, měřítko UI ve hře mám tuším 75%] bych nahradil slovo zejména slovem pouze) při určitém přiblížení z pohledu mapy, a měly podobu tenkých, sotva viditelných linek. Měly by být rovněž vidět (samozřejmě jen slabě) při klasickém pohledu na postavu hráče při plném oddálení. Úkaz se mi podařilo zopakovat i v okně s otevřeným plánem (blueprintem), ovšem jen u těch, které mají koleje na plánu vidět v určité velikosti (v malém či příliš velkém měřítku už tento detail na mém malém monitoru nelze spatřit). Poněvadž si nejsem jist, zdali se jedná o zamýšlenou součást grafiky kolejí, rozhodl jsem se Vás o záležitosti informovat.

Fotky s komentářem (v ang) jsem nahrál na: , přičemž jejich originály naleznete zde v příloze.

S uctivým pozdravem a upřímným poděkováním za vytvoření tohoto herního fenoménu

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Re: Barely visible violet/blue lines behind the rails

Post by posila »

Hello, thanks for the report.
As a workaround, you can change texture compression quality to "Low" in the graphics settings, which I believe is where the blue color comes from. However I was not able to reproduce the issue, so it might depend on other graphics options and possibly even GPU and graphics driver version (or some configuration in graphics control panel). If you post factorio-current.log, I can try to match your in-game graphics settings, to see if I'll be able to reproduce it.

Burner Inserter
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Re: Barely visible violet/blue lines behind the rails

Post by AristomachosCZ »


I did a quick testing, which confirmed the relation between these blue lines and the configuration of the textures setting. I tried to change two settings, the Texture compression (TC) and Sprite resolution (SR), and I got these results:
1) TC High quality and SR High (my default config) – the described case
2) TC High quality and SR Normal – only blue tinge around the rails
3) TC Low quality and SR High – nothing
4) TC Low quality and SR Normal – nothing
If you would like, I can do further tests with changing another settings. However, although I see the relationship between the blue lines and the sprites, I am not able to say anything more about it, nor to declare a theory, why is this happening. This is above my level of knowledge and I apologize for that.
I am adding the file factorio-current to the attachment.
Yours sincerely


MS Windows 10 Home 64-bit Build 18363
ASRock Z170 Pro 4
Intel Core i5-6500 (gen. Skylake) 4x 3,2 Ghz (4 Threads)
MSI GeForce GTX 1060 3GT OC, 3GB GDDR5
Patriot Viper Elite gray 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 2666 CL16
WD Black SN750 NVMe SSD 500GB (system disc with Factorio)
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Re: Barely visible violet/blue lines behind the rails

Post by posila »

Thanks for additional information. I thought you had some ancient laptop with integrated GPU and were playing on minimal graphics settings and just changed texture compression quality to high, but you have actually gaming computer and play on default graphics settings (which default to high values). So I thought maybe it is caused by some settings override in NVIDIA Control Panel and tried to mess with it on my home computer (where I also have 3GB GTX 1060), and was able to reproduce it, but then, after reverting my changes in NVIDIA Control Panel, I was still able to reproduce it. So I took the reproduction save to work, to check if it really doesn't happen on 1050 Ti I have at work, and I am seeing the lines on my work computer too ... I must have not built correct curves when testing on Wednesday.
So I'll take a look what can I do to fix this.

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