FNEI showing recipes that are unattainable

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FNEI showing recipes that are unattainable

Post by wheezil »

I am playing angel+bob mods v1.1, and I notice some recipes appear in FNEI but which are actually not available.
For example, FNEI claims that sulfur+iron+purifed-water -> sulfuric acid in chemical plant 2 or adv chem plant 1, but I can't actually select those recipes.
I do not see any research which would unlock the unavailable recipes.
This post suggests that the recipe was disabled by bob: https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comme ... acid_help/
Is there a way to suppress these recipes from FNEI?
The recipes do NOT appear in "what's it really used for" mod, so it looks like maybe a bug in FNEI?
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Re: FNEI showing recipes that are unattainable

Post by GrumpyJoe »

Pretty sure there is a setting to hide such recipes

Since I can't test it right now, I'd suggest you try the mod portal discussion https://mods.factorio.com/mod/FNEI/discussion

Or the mod's forum thread

Opening a new one will most likely only ever give you answers like mine
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Re: FNEI showing recipes that are unattainable

Post by orzelek »

Please check FNEI settings for hidden recipes display.
Angel's will hide some of recipes instead of deleting them to not break other mods.
It will usually provide alternative way to produce those things.
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