Certain Key combination when interacting with chest crashes computer

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Certain Key combination when interacting with chest crashes computer

Post by CardinalMachine »

I have an HP All-in-One Windows PC. Lately, Factorio has been crashing my PC. It happens when interacting with a crate (steel crate). When I open the steel crate, if I press shift + ctrl, my screen will immediately go black and the computer becomes completely unresponsive. I do not know if it happens with other crates.

The light on the power button will stay on, but nothing I do with the computer will cause it to respond. I will try pressing the sleep button on my keyboard, nothing; I will try hitting the power button, nothing; I will press and hold the power button, for as long as 30 seconds to force a shutdown, but still nothing.

In order to use my computer, I have to physically unplug the computer from the wall, plug it back in, then restart it. I imagine having to do that repeatedly is not good for my computer. I have tried pressing shift + ctrl in other circumstances on my computer and while playing other video games, but nothing else causes this to happen.

After spending over an hour with tech support, updating my bios and some of my drivers, and generally trying to find the cause of this, I booted up Factorio, opened a steel chest (containing many stacks of plastic), pressed shift and then ctrl (while first holding shift down then pressing ctrl), and then boom, as soon as I press ctrl, this problem happens again and I need to unplug my computer.

It has happened to me a total of 4 times. Twice where it completely caught me off guard and I had no idea what was happening, once last night where I suspected I had figured out what caused it, and then just a little while ago where I purposely did it to confirm if this was the issue. I can't give the specifics about the other times it happened, but this last time I was interacting with a steel chest that had an inserter putting plastic into it directly from a nearby chemical plant. My inventory was full at the time.

I am playing on unmodded Factorio of the latest version that I purchased off of steam probably about a month ago. my computer uses Windows 10 and, as far as I am aware, everything should be up to date.

I really hope this problem can be fixed soon. I love this game, but it feels like because it can trigger this to happen, it is actively dangerous for my computer. I would love to help as much as possible.
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Re: Certain Key combination when interacting with chest crashes computer

Post by wobbycarly »

Posting your Factorio log might help with diagnosis.
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