QoL functions (like mods) to vanilla game?

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QoL functions (like mods) to vanilla game?

Post by darametis »

I will immediately apologize for the google translator, but I am not familiar with English at the proper level.

I would like to ask a question-proposal, which, in fact, is in the title.
Are you considering adding some mod functionality to the vanilla game?
For example, the bottleneck mod that shows the idle factories.
Or the BeltBrush mod, which allows you to safely draw conveyors in any direction.
Or train fuel stations. Or Even Distribution, which makes it easier to manage resources. And much more.

Now the game is in such a state that without mods it is kind of ... incomplete.
There are a lot of things that you literally have to struggle with, which complicates the immersion in the game for beginners (if there are any), and brings routine boredom for experienced players.

Every time I return to the game, I start by downloading or updating the same mods. Mods, without which, in my opinion, the game is already, in principle, impossible. And I think I'm not the only one.

Therefore, I would very much like to see (in addition to the general expansion of the game, of course) the introduction of QoL functions.
Factorio gave a huge boost to games like it. But at the same time, the clone games showed that QoL suffers greatly in factorio.

A trivial example. How is a curved line of conveyors built in any clone of a factorio? A couple of mouse clicks on the desired points. How to do this in factorio? Fighting with the jumping cursor, manually changing the direction of the conveyor, so that at the end you see that you made a mistake by one or two cells, and start all over again.

Factorio is wonderful, it is still a cut above all competitors in terms of functionality and in-game capabilities ... But the level of convenience in it is such that after a certain time spent in the game, you can no longer play without mods.

Thanks for attention.
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Re: QoL functions (like mods) to vanilla game?

Post by ssilk »

There are more answers to this.

First, I think Factorio enhances the puzzle-factor a lot more than those other games. This means: Piece by piece you get a big factory-puzzle, all made by yourself, you can be proud of, it lasts as long as it takes.
Can be discussed quite a while, if that is good or bad to the game or community. But it is not wrong, generally speaking.

Second, I need to point to
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30240 I want to make suggestions, but I got links to mods!! :(
If you want some more features in Factorio, then use mods. ;)

Third, nothing is really wrong with using mods to play the game the whole time. It's just the updating, which disturbs more or less. There are a lot suggestions about making mod-handling simpler, more automatic etc.

Fourth, some behavior, which looks quite cool to you and helps you a lot to play the game, is for others a pure catastrophe. Keep in mind, that Factorio is a very old game, now 8 years old and - in some sense - quite conservative. Good or bad? I don't know. Other games have a different aspect of gameplay, concentrate more on building things, they look much more straightforward to me. I don't know, if that's "better". All what counts in the end, is if you have fun playing it.

Fifth, by bringing a perfect working mod into vanilla, a mod, where the author has been working on for years, you can make the modder kind of very unhappy. If there is no real need to, why should Wube force that?

And Sixth, in Factorio your target is to be creative. And being creative is not a matter of the tools you have. It's more like making music, you can make music with anything, it's the thought, that counts, not how (fast) you did it.

And my personal opinion: I would like to have much more mods in vanilla.

Here my personal list of what I would find absolutly essential:
AutoManualMode / TrainModeSwitcher
Automatic underground pipe connectors
BeltRouter Not essential, but sometimes really, really nice to have.
Factory Planner, Rate Calculator (kind of)
Fill4Me (but with some limits, it's too mighty)
Max Rate Calculator
Teleporters / Teleport to train station (kind of)
UI Hotkeys
VehicleRadar (as radar in the equipment grid)
WireShortcuts (most important!)

That's all are for situations, which are not so fun to play with and suddenly make fun, when using as a mod. And I estimate implementing 50% of that list with about one year. In the end (and that's just ecomomic): Why should Wube change that? As it is yet is most positive for everybody (players, modders, the game, Wube ...)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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