[Twinsen][1.1.27] (Re)naming Spidertron doesn't trigger on_entity_renamed

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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[Twinsen][1.1.27] (Re)naming Spidertron doesn't trigger on_entity_renamed

Post by Mortu »

1. What did you do?
Writing a mod to put spidertron names on the map. Using;

Code: Select all

-- control.lua
script.on_event( defines.events.on_entity_renamed, function(event)
  game.print( "got rename" )
Then renaming a spidertron.

2. What happened?
The print didn't occur. However, when naming e.g. a train station it does work.

3. What did you expect?
I expect the event to be fired when renaming a spidertron.

P.S. Are there other entities that can be renamed besides spidertron and train stations?
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Re: [Twinsen][1.1.27] (Re)naming Spidertron doesn't trigger on_entity_renamed

Post by Twinsen »

Fixed in Version: 1.1.28.
The event should now be triggered when renaming the spider either though the GUI, game interaction or through lua using entity_label.

Thanks for the report.
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