[Mod 1.1] Pollution Overhaul

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:23 am

[Mod 1.1] Pollution Overhaul

Post by bob620 »

I have been working on massively remaking pollution, unfortunately mods only run Lua which means it could become inefficient very quickly.

Never actually written anything in Lua outside of some Computer Craft scripts, so this has been a lot of learning and implementing as I go. Generally the mod is set up so that pollution is all handled logically (in lua) and then to display the new pollution it abuses placing and clearing the builtin pollution.

The current version is early in development and I want to work on it more, but I will need more input to balance it and others are always welcome to help.

I doubt this will ever work in multiplayer, but who knows.

The current repository is located at:

I want to make this mod support the Base by default and then expand into various mods such as Angel's because the interaction between machines and pollution would be much more interesting. Preferably, this mod would not need to implement any code to modify other mods, they would be able to call the Remote functions and implement 100% custom pollution, layers, molecules, etc.

The "layer" and "molecule" concept allows for multiple different sets of unique data to be located in the same chunk, so technically this could allow for other data to be passed around in a physical manner rather than just pollution.

Most of the work has been done to implement this mod to be as dynamic/arbitrary as possible, only major features missing are:
+ Pollution Spread
+ Evolution Factor
+ Trigger Attacks

Biggest problems I see is making sure it doesn't kill the game by running super slow code. Lots of potential optimizations can be made to improve the continuous code, and most of the heavy lifting I try to pre-process before the world initializes.

Current version is suggested for people who know some programming, as you will likely want to modify things.

Feel free to mess around with different setups using files in the `/molecules` folder to implement more items.

+ Functional Producers
+ Functional Consumers
+ Pollution layers + molecules
+ Logical representation of physical space
-- Link to release status https://git.sr.ht/~bob620/pollution/tre ... /README.md
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