Shooting freezes screen

Things that has been reported already before.
Burner Inserter
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Shooting freezes screen

Post by raven2k3 »

evrytime you press space for shooting in multiplayer, the screen freezes for some frames while moving forward.
You can reproduce this bug if you run in one direction, while pressing the space bar multiple times.

Can you please fix that, because it's very annoying in combat situations?
Thx and kind regards.
Burner Inserter
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Re: Shooting freezes screen

Post by raven2k3 »

So is there a feature / bug request to solve this problem?
I also don't have any lags except I press the space / shoot button.

I am also not really sure if this is really ralted to the latency, because if you hold the fire button while shooting rockets to a target I don't have that issue.
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Re: Shooting freezes screen

Post by Loewchen »

raven2k3 wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:06 am I also don't have any lags except I press the space / shoot button.
Because what you experience is the local latency free game, until you start shooting. For details search the forum for Latency hiding, as this has been talked about dozens of times already.
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