[Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

_Glow-banner 1.png
_Glow-banner 1.png (807.73 KiB) Viewed 6952 times

Join community map
The M45 server has kindly agreed to host a Bitumen community map that you can join.
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Big production update
As research is ticking in, new technologies keeps getting ready for your production lines. Next update will see a lot of new high end production equipment being available: Advanced precision metal cutting and grinding processes, that makes for higher performance. This also opens up the possibility for more specialized production lines, where the assemblers are custom fitted for your exact production needs. Again this is done to serve the need for higher performance in your production lines.

These are a few of the items that will be available:
injectionmold.png (78.46 KiB) Viewed 6997 times

Injection molds
The ability to form plastic with high accuracy and in complex shapes in just one operation is key to efficient high volume production of all sorts of products. The making of each specialized injection mold is demanding in terms of accuracy and finish, but pays off by providing a fast and reliable production tool.
lappingtool.png (76.08 KiB) Viewed 6997 times

Grinding tools
Lapping with abrasive diamond pastes can yield high quality production tools that conforms to very strict tolerances and ensures both speed and longevity of production equipment.
Progressive stamping die.png
Progressive stamping die.png (79.91 KiB) Viewed 6997 times

Progressive stamping dies
Stamped metal has huge advantages over cast or machined parts: By forging along the metals own structural lines strength and endurance is enhanced. The progressive stamping die gives modern production items the benefits that otherwise would require handcrafting by a blacksmith.


blast casting station.png
blast casting station.png (756.24 KiB) Viewed 6944 times

Blast furnace iron casting
Molten iron is used for iron casting in the Blast casting station. This is a very efficient form of production for larger and more complex parts. Also a bit noisy.
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

Scrubbing, crushing and screening constitute the commonly used liberation techniques, but the specific
recipe, viz., the extent, the phasing and the type of process action, in each case, is dictated by the ore
type and diamond occurrence.
There is no standard. It, therefore, requires a good theoretical knowledge of ore dressing techniques
coupled with experience, which is why extractive metallurgy is sometimes considered a "black mi".

Horizontal tubular rotating scrubbers are the norm, although there is place for a higher operating risk
log washers, which have greater specific energy input. Scrubbing is required to:
III De-agglomerate the ore and to expose locked diamonds.
III Break down clays that may hinder down stream processes.
III Break down compressed ore cakes created by High Pressure Roll Crushing.
Variables that need consideration include:
III Scrubber solids residence time.
III Scrubber solids to water ratio.
III Medium charge requirements.
III Critical speed.
Jet Pumping
Jet pumping is a convenient method of transporting sensitive material. At the same time a degree of
attritioning, or scrubbing takes place.
Some successful jet pumping applications include:
III Dump reclamation and where a limited amount of scrubbing is required, the two unit processes
are conducted in one operation.
III Moving material from wet bins on board a ship or floating treatment plant, where there are
space limitations.
III Dredging.
Characteristics include:
III Pumping efficiencies are low.
III Water usage is high, requiring careful re-cycle consideration.
III Capital costs are low, in comparison with conventional conveying and scrubbing but at the
expense of operating costs.
III Pumping heads are limited, sometimes requiring a booster pump in the circuit.
III Availability - The particle top size must be carefully monitored to prevent blockages (while the
system comfortably withdraws material from a source of high solids concentration, the ingress
of tramp or large particles severely impacts on availability. In respect of the latter, further work
on materials of construction, particularly post the pump is necessary to reduce stoppages due to
While there are particular attractions to incorporating jet pumping in a flowsheet, careful trade-off
assessment should be conducted, as is the case with any unit process consideration.

Various crushing techniques are used in the diamond industry. As is common with all mineral
treatment plants, crushing plays a role not only in reducing the ore to a size suitable for down-stream
processing, but more importantly in liberation of the sought after mineral.
A range of crushers are employed, depending on ore type and application, namely:
III Dry and wet jaw crushing. The latter is unique to the industry and useful when treating
weathered ores that will ultimately become competent. Generally used in primary applications.
III Toothed double roll crushers, best suited for claggy ore.
III Wet and dry cone crushing, in secondary applications;
III Various forms of inter-particle crushing, with High Pressure Roll Crushing playing a dominant
role when treating competent kimberlites.
III Inter-particle impact crushing is also used where differential crushing can be employed to
III The nutating mill. While not strictly fulfilling a crusher duty, this has found application in the
mass reduction of DMS concentrates

http://www.saimm.co.za/Conferences/Diam ... 2-Hart.pdf
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

DMS Cyclones
The universally recognised measure of efficiency of separation is a partition curve. This describes the
probability of a particle of certain density reporting to the dense or sink fraction.
Clearly the process engineer will design the plant so that a particle of 3,4 or denser has a 100% chance
of reporting to sinks, but at the same time, one attempts to minimise the quantity of sinks. The more
near gravity mineral there is, the more important it is to use equipment with a sharper partition curve.
Typical partition curves are shown in Table 1.
What is evident is that for a given separating vessel, the coarser particles have a greater propensity to
sink, displaying a lower d50, and visa versa. Also, the surface tension effect results in greater drag
being applied to the smaller particles, so that the finer particle curve is flatter, displaying a longer tail.
The differing cut points for different particle sizes has led to the call for separate circuits to process the
"fine" and "coarse" particle sizes.

This is a feature of any mineral extraction process - the narrower the size range, the more efficient the
process. The down side though, is each circuit needs a capacity up-rate andlor requires adequate surge
capacity ahead of it. Still, plant utilisation is generally sacrificed, for widely ranging feed stock size
distributions. Careful assessment accompanied by dynamic simulation is required when reviewing the
flowsheet circuit.
Considerations in the design of cyclone plants include:

III Understanding the top and bottom particle sizes for maximum "dollar" extraction value.
Chasing the fine diamonds can be at the expense of throughput, which point should be part of
the project's financial evaluation.

III Particle size range - the efficiency of separation is most strongly influenced by the range
treated in a cyclone, particularly in respect of maximising fine diamond recovery and
minimising yield.

III Cyclone pressure - the higher the pressure, the greater the centrifugal force generated. These
forces are needed to overcome the surface tension drag, particularly in respect of the small
particles (the plus 10mm particles could just as efficiently be separated in a static bath). While
some operators prefer running at lower than DSM feed pressure recommendations, we
advocate no less than a pressure equivalent to 14 cyclone diameters for fine diamond

III Cyclone size and number - assuming it is practical to limit the size range treated, the criticality
of using small cyclones for the fine particle separation diminishes. Given the importance of
constant and even flow to the individual cyclones, it becomes a trade-off between a larger
single cyclone, and a number of smaller cyclones whose efficiency is dependant on the longer
term performance of a distributor!
III Rheology - a critical factor which is influenced by medium selection and affected by medium
contamination and the design of the recovery circuit. A number of papers have been presented
at the Samancor Dense Medium Conferences on this topic. Suffice to say, a balance between
viscosity and medium stability is required which is, in turn, reflected in the cyclone differential.


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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

Diamond ore
Comp 37 01.png
Comp 37 01.png (334.63 KiB) Viewed 6961 times
Industrial diamonds
Comp 38b 04.png
Comp 38b 04.png (188.4 KiB) Viewed 6961 times

Rough diamonds
Comp 39 01.png
Comp 39 01.png (221.42 KiB) Viewed 6961 times

Molten iron
Comp 40 01.png
Comp 40 01.png (343.94 KiB) Viewed 6961 times

Lathe bed casting
Comp 41 01.png
Comp 41 01.png (339.52 KiB) Viewed 6961 times

Lathe ways casting
Comp 42 01.png
Comp 42 01.png (366.85 KiB) Viewed 6961 times
Lathe ways casting alternative
Comp 42d 01.png
Comp 42d 01.png (374.88 KiB) Viewed 6960 times
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

Blast furnace
78607022b7c61d35d9703076d46f128b.jpg (92.52 KiB) Viewed 6915 times
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https://sunflagsteel.com/the-5-steps-of ... roduction/
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »


A method of thermal recovery in which a flame front is generated in the reservoir by igniting a fire at the sandface of an injection well. Continuous injection of air or other gas mixture with high oxygen content will maintain the flame front. As the fire burns, it moves through the reservoir toward production wells. Heat from the fire reduces oil viscosity and helps vaporize reservoir water to steam. The steam, hot water, combustion gas and a bank of distilled solvent all act to drive oil in front of the fire toward production wells.

Fire flooding for hydrogen:

This month, on the frozen plains of Saskatchewan in Canada, workers began to inject steam and air into the Superb field, a layer of sand 700 meters down that holds 200 million barrels of thick, viscous oil. Their goal was not to pump out the oil, but to set it on fire—spurring underground chemical reactions that churn out hydrogen gas, along with carbon dioxide (CO2). Eventually the company conducting the $3 million field test plans to plug its wells with membranes that would allow only the clean-burning hydrogen to reach the surface. The CO2, and all of its power to warm the climate, would remain sequestered deep in the earth.

https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/02 ... -oil-fires
Comp 46 29.png
Comp 46 29.png (307.45 KiB) Viewed 6808 times
fireflooding well.png
fireflooding well.png (1.38 MiB) Viewed 6806 times

3D model by Hans de Ridder

About fireflooding:
https://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/e ... oding.aspx

hole.png (947.66 KiB) Viewed 6619 times
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

One Mine's Nickel Processing of Pyrrhoite,
Chalcopyrite and Pentalandite Ores

The ore is crushed to -5 inches in primary cone crushers, then reduced to -1/2" in short head cone crushers. The ore is then ground to -100 mesh in ball mills. Using wet magnetic separators the magnetic ore is separated (pyrrhotite) and further reduced to -200 mesh in a ball mill. Classification is accomplished with screens and cyclones. The pyrrhotite is then sent to froth flotation cells, and produces a 3% nickel concentrate.

The non magnetic ore is sent to a series of rougher, cleaner flotation cells, and produces a 31% copper concentrate. The tailings from these cells is sent to another flotation cell, to recover the nickel, and the concentrate is combined with the 3% nickel concentrate to produce a 12% nickel concentrate.

Most nickel ores have several recoverable metals in them and the process if commonly a multiple stream of metals recovered. The copper concentrate is sent to the copper smelter and 99.99% copper cathode is produced in electrowinning cells. The nickel ore is sent to the nickel refinery, where a complex set of reactions is carried out.** These include leaching in autoclaves using ammonia, heated to around 200 deg F at elevated pressures of 100-150 PSI. The application of heat and pressure dramatically speeds up the chemical reaction and produces the nickel much faster than leaching at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.** There is a primary and a secondary leach circuit, where the solids remaining in the first circuit are sent to a second autoclave to recover any metals the first leach process missed. A slurry of the liquid and solids are then pumped through a thickening and filtration system, separating the non-valuable solids from the liquid containing the nickel.

The nickel and ammonia solution contains 2:2 ratio of nickel to ammonia (molar), which is roughly 50 grams nickel per liter of solution.

The nickel-ammonia solution is then reduced with hydrogen in autoclaves, adding a a small amount of ferrous ammonium sulphate.
This solution is heated to 250 deg F at 350 PSI, in a hydrogen atmosphere. The nickel is reduced by hydrogen and precipitates as fine metallic nickel (Ni).

The nickel settles and the solution is pumped out to a holding tank. Since the solution still contains some nickel , it is re-processed again to recover the remaining nickel. The nickel can then be removed through a cone bottomed tank or by a thickener/filter operation to yield the nickel powder. It is then dried and sent to a briquette process where it is made into pellets or briquettes. It can also be melted and poured into ingots for sale to the market.

Information provided by Charles Kubach, Mining and Mineral Processing Engineer

Ball crushing

90 C = 200 F

nickel ammonia solution (+wastewater)
{crushed nickel ore, amonia, water}

nickel (powder) (+)
{nickel ammonia solution, hydrogen}


Lateritic ores also have a high moisture content (35-40%) that requires drying in a rotary kiln furnace. It produces nickel oxide, which is then reduced using electric furnaces at temperatures between 2480-2930 F° (1360-1610 C°) and volatilized to produce Class I nickel metal and nickel sulfate.

Nickel oxide (+ steam)
{nickel ore + fuel} (r.k. furnace)

{nickel oxide } (furnace)
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »


moddergrawe.png (2.09 MiB) Viewed 6805 times

Plastic chem
https://www.essentialchemicalindustry.o ... stics.html

"Carbamide (urea) is manufactured by heating ammonia and carbon dioxide under pressure."

"Melamine is produced by heating carbamide (urea):"

For each [xxx-name] section you should preferably also add a section [xxx-description], which will then display as description when you hover over the corresponding item/entity/technology/mod-setting

https://wiki.factorio.com/Tutorial:Modd ... ourname.22
primitive iron.png
primitive iron.png (296.32 KiB) Viewed 6631 times
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

Carbamide plastic production...
Carbamide_plastic.png (1.87 MiB) Viewed 6757 times

Cellulose to methanol:
Acid-catalysed direct transformation of cellulose into methyl glucosides in methanol at moderate temperature
https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/article ... ivAbstract

Ethanol and methanol from cellulosic biomass
Significant progress has been made over the past few years in the technologies for converting biomass to ethanol or methanol.
https://www.osti.gov/biblio/142309-etha ... ic-biomass


Big ones:

[x] Moddergrawe
[]3 Recipes for special-productions: Indhold og ingredienser... +
[]4 Sounds special productions
[x]Changelog that works ingame
[x] Research precision production 7 & 8 as pp9!
[x] Sounds for electric engines prod
[x] Nickel ressource, tungsten,
[x]Recipe for molten iron med iron ore!!!
[x]-1 Deepdrill tilbage til oprindelig!!!!
[x] Ressourcer for deepdrill mining
[x]1 Icon mess..
[x]2 Grafik for ressourcer!
[x] Fix production rate from miners.

Small items:

[x] Deep mining tungsten ore! More volumen / less req fluid
[x] Deep tungsten ore resource changes.. "short-cycle"
[x] Research prices for nickel(?), precision p 2-5
[x] Tool station sound file
[x] Carbon 3000 furnace behind research?
[x] Firenozzles to recipe for flamethrower
[x] Remove research for ash from woodchips
[x] Fix shale rock ressource icon sheet! Down to 6 best....
[ ] Remove deep-drill? Change assembler recipe: Add nitric acid to ingredients.
[x] Sound for mining of peat!
[x] Check for all recipes: hidden behind research? (Nickel related!!!, )
[x] Forøg arbejdstiden for entities som f.eks. fracking station for at undgå 10.000 steel requests.
[x] Ngl recipe: icon for simple slurry cooker SCALING
[x] Asphalt 1 & 2 ?????
[x] Vector for deepmining station moved ca. 0.5 in og 0.5 to side.
[x] Sulfur out of starter area
Last edited by Shenpen on Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:21 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

Standard changelog categorires:

"Major Features"
"Minor Features"
"Combat Balancing"
"Circuit Network"
"Ease of use"

Category syntax: "**My category:"

Under each category, add at least one list entry. These lines must be indented with 4 spaces and begin with "-", followed by a space.
Each additional line must be indented with 6 spaces. The required format is "****-*[text]" or "******[continued text]".

The file must be named "changelog.txt". It must be in the root directory of your mod, and it may be encoded as UTF8 with or without BOM!
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

"PVC, one of the world’s most widely used plastics, can basically be made in two ways. The petrochemical route involves the chlorination of ethylene to yield ethylene dichloride, which is then cracked to generate vinyl chloride. Vinyl chloride is polymerized into PVC. Implementing this method in an economically viable fashion typically requires that a chlorine plant be set up in the vicinity of an ethylene cracker.

The calcium carbide route used in China involves heating lime and coal-derived coke in an electric furnace at a temperature of 2,000 °C to obtain calcium carbide. Acetylene is generated by the hydrolysis of this calcium carbide. This early part of the process is labor intensive, requires a lot of energy, and generates vast quantities of a watery calcium hydroxide slag. With the use of a catalyst that is usually based on mercuric chloride, the acetylene is then reacted with anhydrous hydrogen chloride to produce vinyl chloride."

https://cen.acs.org/articles/88/i3/Chin ... ocess.html

https://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2017 ... alyst.page

https://theconversation.com/mud-power-h ... icity-3677

"The industrial hydrodesulfurization processes include facilities for the capture and removal of the resulting hydrogen sulfide (H
2S) gas. In petroleum refineries, the hydrogen sulfide gas is then subsequently converted into byproduct elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid (H
2SO 4). In fact, the vast majority of the 64,000,000 metric tons of sulfur produced worldwide in 2005 was byproduct sulfur from refineries and other hydrocarbon processing plants."

"The principal process used to manufacture cyanides is the Andrussow process in which gaseous hydrogen cyanide is produced from methane and ammonia in the presence of oxygen and a platinum catalyst."
Comp 62 01.png
Comp 62 01.png (311.85 KiB) Viewed 6662 times

Coke + lime => (hydrolysis) calcium carbide => acetylene => (catalytic/gold(or mercuric chloride)) + Hydrogen chloride =>VC => (polymerization) PVC
hydrogen + chlorine = hydrogen-cloride

calciumcarbide-plast.png (879.09 KiB) Viewed 6650 times
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »


burnerstart.gif (2.52 MiB) Viewed 6630 times

Thermodynamic Charts for the Combustion Products of Nitric Acid and Kerosene

http://naca.central.cranfield.ac.uk/rep ... m/2982.pdf

http://www.friends-partners.org/mwade/p ... tosene.htm


Gold-3 salts:

Last edited by Shenpen on Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen

Post by Shenpen »

Version: 3.1.1
Major Features:
- Adding the "Deep well heater" for oxygen fireflooding of superheavy in deep wells with superheavy and tar sands.
- Adding Super-heavy oil resource and steamcracking of superheavy
- Adding nickel, tungsten, and diamond ore ressources
- Adding three levels of assembler machines: Precision machining assembler, The tooling station and a set of dedicated production units for specific products (advanced circuits,
processing units, engines, electric engines, lathes and low density structures.
- New items/fluids: Nickel ore, Tungsten ore, Lathe bed base, Lathe ways, Amonium paratungstate, Molten iron, Casting station, Diamond ore, Rough diamonds, Progressive stamping die,
Scrap iron, Tungsten trioxide, Lathe, 4 axis lathe, Progressive stamping die, Injection mold,Pressure-gauge, Stepper motor, Tungsten,Tungsten carbide inserts,Diamond abrasive paste,
Diamond powder, Ways Lapping tool, Sodium hydroxide solution, Bearings Lapping tool, Solenoid, Axle, Digital controller, and Optic sensor
- Adding the Blast casting station for casting with molten iron
- New recipes for molten iron, nickel processing, tungsten processing and for all the new intermeidate products that make the precision mashincing possible.
- Upgrading all internal icons to 128px, 5 level mip-mapped files.
- Removing obsolete tech and graphics files
- Replacing all internal icons with mip mapped hr icons
- Graphic fixes for Peat and sand ressources
- Adding fast replacement for the tar furnace and the drug furnace.
- Changelog updated
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

Post by Shenpen »

[x] Gold item doublet
[x] Carbon 3000 Icon
[] Recipes for [ ]turbine, [ ] chemical furnace, [ ] blast casting station.
[] Internal names for [ ]turbine, [ ] chemical furnace, [ ] blast casting station.
[] Sound files for [x]turbine, [x] chemical furnace, [x] blast casting station, [] Tooling station
[x] Better yields for sodium hydroxide solution, SHS for deep mining tungsten.
[x] Better yields for diamonds and for lasers.
[x]Gold-3 catalyst recipy update.
[] Changelog errors
[x] Hide gold-3 behind science
[] Ctrl-F maping of sound files
[] Cellulose -> methanol
[] Burnt-box for shavings
[] RSO setup

Burn-box: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=55738

Comp 65 01.png
Comp 65 01.png (308.22 KiB) Viewed 6479 times

2D Graphics in 3D(!)
Last edited by Shenpen on Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

Post by donoya »

Hey, I had some ideas to make things fit into the base game. I wanted to list them here.

1. lamps, solar panels, trains, and the car should take glass
2. Use some of the materials in this mod for base-game circuits. For example, apply tar to copper cables to make coated copper cables and then use that in the tier 2 circuit instead of regular copper cables.
3. make the base assembling machines unable to be used for basic ingredients like copper cables, iron gears, iron sticks, circuits, engines, etc. to force players to use the machines from this mod and in exchange make them earlier in the tech tree.
4. move iron plate smelting from the tar furnace to the regular furnace (not necessarily the whole thing, just the plates), move the copper plate and other regular furnace recipes to the tar furnace, or merge the tar furnace into the regular furnace and rename the furnace to tar furnace, adding the ingredients from the tar furnace as well.
5. change the engine recipe and/or electric engine recipe to use items from this mod.

I'll add to this as I come up with more.
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

Post by Shenpen »

Some good stuff and some part I dont understand in your list.
Will take a closer look later, but for now there is still a vast amount of clean up needed from the recent additions.
Aka things like better and more varied recipes for some of the advanced entities.
And more custom made sound files. Clean up of sound files also includes a list of files used and some sane renaming.
You can see that there is quite a bit left on the list above.

4. move iron plate smelting from the tar furnace to the regular furnace (not necessarily the whole thing, just the plates), move the copper plate and other regular furnace recipes to the tar furnace, or merge the tar furnace into the regular furnace and rename the furnace to tar furnace, adding the ingredients from the tar furnace as well.

This is confusing. What is it that you want to improve? As in, what is your idea? There are more than on recipe for "plates".
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

Post by Shenpen »

Venting (req):

Fluid / gas + compressed air --> chemical furnace --> waste water + neutralized gas products --> tank + flare/vent


light-oil/heavy-oil/methane-gas + oxygen --> flaring station --> water
light-oil/heavy-oil/methane-gas + oxygen --> flaring station --> water + CO2


flare_station.gif (2.45 MiB) Viewed 6244 times
7flare_station.gif (30.72 MiB) Viewed 6236 times

[x] Hide behind research
[x] Recipe adjustments?
[x] Light-layer adjustment!
[x] Soundfile
[] Idle visualization

Silver mining>
silvermining.png (1.08 MiB) Viewed 6229 times
silvermining2.png (410.5 KiB) Viewed 6228 times

https://www.praxairsurfacetechnologies. ... de-coating

Suggestion for idle-frame visualization:

injectionwater.png (158.84 KiB) Viewed 6136 times
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

Post by patrykbono20 »

Any updete to 2.0 ?
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