Sound direction when exiting map view is wrong

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Sound direction when exiting map view is wrong

Post by DFBreaker »

I have found what I think is a bug. when you are looking at things from your map, the sounds of things are greatly reduced. if your character is close to lets say a factorio, its sound is louder than the voice you hear when looking at it from your map. When you are looking at a worm for example, the sound it makes is pretty loud when you character is close to it. But if you are looking at the worm from your map the sound it makes is very quiet. If you close your map when a worm is making that "roar" noise, the sound of the worm sounds like it is coming from near your character for a second. It is not a big deal but it kind of scares me sometimes :D
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Re: Sound direction when exiting map view is wrong

Post by kovarex »

Hello, I'm not 100% sure I understand what is the problem.

I tried to zoom on the worm, and switched off the map view while the worm was doing the sound, and I couldn't hear anything weird.
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Re: Sound direction when exiting map view is wrong

Post by Loewchen »

Duplicate of: 96021 which is more informative.
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