[1.0.0] Skip Intro message does not disapear

Things that has been reported already before.
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[1.0.0] Skip Intro message does not disapear

Post by Tabsi99 »

I created a new world and then, before the Intro finished, I saved the game and then took the savegame and uploaded it on a linux server and started the server. After joining the Multiplayer game, the skip Intro message remained and no Intro was playing. Pressing Tab did not help and for the other players was no problem. It did not vanish even after hours. It is only annoying as far as I can tell, because it hides some details in the hotbar, and there is no gameplay effect until now.

Maybe interesting detail: My friend was on the Server before me.

I expected the message, to not appear when no Intro is playing or at least to vanish after pressing tab.

PS: Even if you will not fix this in a later version, is there any option to remove this message manually?
PPS: I never expected to write a bug report for this game, this is the first time I found one in over 1000h of playtime. You are doing an amazing job.
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Re: [1.0.0] Skip Intro message does not disapear

Post by Klonan »

Hi, welcome to the forum,

Thank you for reporting the bug,
It has been fixed in our 1.1 beta, which will be going stable soon
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