[kovarex] [1.1.14] Players stuck in each other after car gets destroyed by surrounding enemies

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[kovarex] [1.1.14] Players stuck in each other after car gets destroyed by surrounding enemies

Post by Eiermann »

Hey, after starting a new session on the new experimental version 1.1.14 we tried to clear some camps together within a car and some ammunition. Unfortunately the driver got stuck between many enemies and the vehicle got destroyed. Both player models left the vehicle at the same spot and couldnt move, even after killing all surrounding enemies. We had to kill each other to solve the problem. Placing a car next to us did not helped at all, because joining the vehicle was not possible. I guess we just had overlapping collision boxes or something.

Best regards,
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.14] Players stuck in each other after car gets destroyed by surrounding enemies

Post by kovarex »

Hello, thanks for the report, this is a good find.

The error was, that the car itself was blocking its bounding box as a valid exit position, which, with the combination of being surrounded completely caused, that the game couldn't find any valid exit positions, so it just moved the players at the position of the car, which, when they were two of them, leads to the problem you described.

It is fixed for the next release so the car being destroyed won't block the search for the exit point, so the plaeyrs can easily both find non colliding positions.
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