blueprint includes marked-for-upgrade entities

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blueprint includes marked-for-upgrade entities

Post by ichVII »

If i use an upgrade planner and then a blueprint, the upgraded entities should be the in blueprint.
What ?
If you blueprint (or copy paste) something, that is marked for upgrade to a different entity, the blueprint includes the currently placed entity and not the one, that is supposed to get there. I want it to include the entity, that is supposed to be there. Or at least the option to do that, maybe as a filter in the blueprint selection screen.
Why ?
Blueprints include ghosts and in every other situation, they are what the player wants to be placed there and not what is currently placed there. This seems inconsistent.

PS: I personally consider this a bug, but it would probably be moved here or to "not a bug", so i just place it here.

Very late edit: In view of viewtopic.php?f=23&t=73287, can a moderator please move this to implemented suggestions or duplicates?
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