Is there life in factorio?

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Is there life in factorio?

Post by biggerw »

I buid a cellular automate for Conways Game of Life


It´s organised in [ (5x5 Cells) *2 ] *2 *3 and uses in this status 300 cells in total.
Columns [Blocks] and Rows may be copied to get bigger areas. Only the feedbacl loop
on the outer side you have to rewire. The lower-right block is the master with the timer.
Blocks [ (5x5 Cells) *2 ] store their own state and have an interface to the neighbours.
Maximum refreschrate is 1/30 sec because it need two ticks (calculate-propagate).

The blueprint is very big. You can download it here ... sp=sharing
The link goes to a textfile on google drive.Just download the file coy every thing and import it to factorio.I have tested it.

I´ll try to make a video for demonstration and explanation.

Hope you like it.

Some hints:
You should use a mod: It is just for better wireing. You may also use many poles. But this looks not so pretty.

The constant combinatorts on south have the following funktions.the on on the right is to reset the system. It turns lights off. The other tree inject "life" to the system. The vertical and horizontal lines are Patterns that should move over the plane. If everything ist correct build. The third one injects a pattern. You can play with it. Close to every constant combinator there there is a red light. After start all have to be "off".

Perhps you are irritated by the lamp array on the right side.This is for debugging. Between the coloured blocks there are pink lamps, which indicate the state of the interfaces between blocks.
Last edited by biggerw on Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
be patient if my english is not suitable it´s not my mother tongue.
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Re: Is there life in factorio?

Post by Koub »

You might want to compare your solution to the previous implementations posted on this forum :
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Is there life in factorio?

Post by biggerw »

Thanks for the hints. I had a look on the other very different solutions.

is very big and requires much ressources.
The neighbours are connected with wires.

Interesting idea with all this inserters. But also very expensive
and slow because if the mechnical work.

Really big and compact. But it´s hard wired.
The combinators separate the signals.

This all shows that there are many ways to solve the same problem.

Sorry, but I´m a logistican. I think there is allways potiential for optimisation.
I think my solution is more compact, more flexible, less expensive and fast.

It is possible to change the neighbours only by changing the values in the constant combinator.
The rules may also be changed with other values. Now there is toridal topology, in order
to simulate an endless plane. This can be changed if the outer connections are deleted.
Here each cell requeires 5 combinators. I think there may be a solution with 4. That´s a matter
of future optimisation. Another approach would be to store multiple cells in one physical
kombinator set. That would decrease the costs of the setup. The length of a corner is not
optimal. It would be better to have a prime number.
So there is more potential.
be patient if my english is not suitable it´s not my mother tongue.
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Re: Is there life in factorio?

Post by biggerw »
This the video to this post.
Have fun.
be patient if my english is not suitable it´s not my mother tongue.
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