Since 0.18.20 the game allows you to hide settings. My request is to force these hidden (start-up) settings to always use the default_value of the mod. Currently a player can circumvent this as follows:
- Assume mod X want a setting from mod Y to be set at option A, so what this mod does, it set the default_value to option A, and hides the setting such that the player cannot change this setting. Of course other mods could still change this during the settings loading phase.
- Prior to loading the modpack, The player first load mod Y, which will have the setting exposed (because mod X is not present to hide it). The player manually set the setting to option B.
- When the player will close factorio, the setting in question will have option B saved into the mod-settings.dat file.
- The player now loads the modpack with mod X and Y present. Mod X will change the default value and hide the setting. Because the setting was stored in the mod-settings.dat file, option B will be used to load the game, independent if the setting is hidden or not.
Code: Select all
used_value = get_value_from_file("mod-settings.dat") or default_value
Code: Select all
if setting_is_hidden then
used_value = default_value
used_value = get_value_from_file("mod-settings.dat") or default_value
Kind regards