[kovarex][1.1.6][Minor] Entity status. Mining drill always shown as "working" when pointing at a burner inserter.

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[kovarex][1.1.6][Minor] Entity status. Mining drill always shown as "working" when pointing at a burner inserter.

Post by 4xel »

Reproduction step:

Place a burner inserter in front of a mining drill (any).

What happens:

The mining drill is always shown as "working" (by the green yellow red indicator thingy) even when it is not (inserter full, inserter already containing something else than coal or drill mining something that isn't fuel).

Expected behaviour:

The drill should show a red light with the text "waiting for space in destination", as happens when the destination is the ground (and already filled), invalid or valid but full.
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Re: [1.1.6][Minor] Entity status. Mining drill always shown as "working" when pointing at a burner inserter.

Post by boskid »

I checked what is wrong and the issue is with the inserter and it has nothing to do with entity statuses. Mining drill would say "waiting for space in destination" only if it would become inactive which does not happen because inserters do not support input wakeup lists. That means that anything that inserts items into burner inserter will be always active, this includes other inserters adding fuel to this one, loaders and mining drills.
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Re: [kovarex][1.1.6][Minor] Entity status. Mining drill always shown as "working" when pointing at a burner inserter.

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is now fixed for the next release.
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