Just specify the path to where you want the backups kept, the path to your save files, where the Factorio.exe is located, how many backups to keep, and if you want blueprints to be backed up with the saves. After the initial setup, all you need to do is open the program and click Start. Just replace your current shortcut to Factorio with this .exe and you're good to go. Each time you click start, it creates a new directory in the backup location titled with the current date/time and current version* of Factorio with a folder of the saves and a copy of your blueprint file in it.
Unfortunately I did not get around to writing a method to restore old backups, but that is a rare occurrence and is relatively simple to do manually.
See attachments for the zipped .exe (and for the paranoid folks, a zipped VB.Net project directory so you can see the code yourself to be sure there is nothing malicious

* (it grabs this from the log, so it will not show a version for the first time Factorio is run on a fresh install)