[1.1.2][Modding]event 'on_gui_opened' contains different entities if requests are configured in a logistic chest or not

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[1.1.2][Modding]event 'on_gui_opened' contains different entities if requests are configured in a logistic chest or not

Post by Daeruun »

Hi guys,

I'm not 100% sure this is a bug or a feature, but I'm quite sure it was different in 1.0 and I could not find a changelog-entry on this.

Whilst messing around with my code and some chests I found that the event 'on_gui_opened' behaves differently if a requester/buffer chest contains requests or not.
Might be the same with other entities that provide request-slots.

If requests are configured, the entities player and inventory can be extracted.
If NO requests are configured these two entities are 'nil'.
'entity' seems to exist if anything other than the player-inventory is opened.

I'm quite but not absolutely sure this was different before 1.1.x


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script.on_event(defines.events.on_gui_opened, function(event)
	local player, inventory = get_event_entities(event) -- missing both entities if chest without configured requests
	game.players[1].print ("on_gui_opened:")
	if (player) then 							-- exists if player-inventory or chest with configured requests opened, otherwise nil
		game.players[1].print ("player.name: '" .. serpent.line(player.name) .. "'")
	if (inventory) then 							-- exists if player-inventory or chest with configured requests opened, otherwise nil
		game.players[1].print ("inventory.name: '" .. serpent.line(inventory.name) .. "'")
	if (event.entity) then							-- nil if player-inventory opened, exists if another entity is opened
		game.players[1].print ("event.entity.name: '" .. serpent.line(event.entity.name).. "'")
is there a way to detect an entity with request-slots?
'event.entity.request_slot_count' returns '0' regardless if I open a requester chest (without pre defined requests) or a storage-chest for example...

best regards,
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Re: [1.1.2][Modding]event 'on_gui_opened' contains different entities if requests are configured in a logistic chest or

Post by boskid »

Cannot reproduce what you described.

With simple testing code:

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/c script.on_event(defines.events.on_gui_opened, function(e) log(e.entity.name..": "..(e.entity.request_slot_count or 0).." "..serpent.line(e)) end)
and using some buffer and requester chests with and without requests i have this:
342.546 Script =(command):1: logistic-chest-storage: 0 {entity = {__self = "userdata"}, gui_type = 1, name = 84, player_index = 1, tick = 8487}
343.096 Script =(command):1: logistic-chest-buffer: 0 {entity = {__self = "userdata"}, gui_type = 1, name = 84, player_index = 1, tick = 8520}
343.547 Script =(command):1: logistic-chest-requester: 0 {entity = {__self = "userdata"}, gui_type = 1, name = 84, player_index = 1, tick = 8547}
344.064 Script =(command):1: logistic-chest-storage: 0 {entity = {__self = "userdata"}, gui_type = 1, name = 84, player_index = 1, tick = 8578}
344.548 Script =(command):1: logistic-chest-buffer: 4 {entity = {__self = "userdata"}, gui_type = 1, name = 84, player_index = 1, tick = 8607}
345.098 Script =(command):1: logistic-chest-requester: 4 {entity = {__self = "userdata"}, gui_type = 1, name = 84, player_index = 1, tick = 8640}
All of them contain valid player index. How is get_event_entities function defined?
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Re: [1.1.2][Modding]event 'on_gui_opened' contains different entities if requests are configured in a logistic chest or

Post by eradicator »

Sounds like your "get_event_entities()" function broken due to the changes made to the logistic request api.
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Re: [1.1.2][Modding]event 'on_gui_opened' contains different entities if requests are configured in a logistic chest or

Post by Daeruun »

arg. sorry boskid
of course that function does not work anymore. damn.

what broke my neck was this line:

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if not (entity and entity.request_slot_count > 0) then return nil end
entity is valid, but as mentioned before, 'entity.request_slot_count' returns '0' regardless if I open a requester chest (without pre defined requests) or a storage-chest for example...

is there a clever way to check if a given entity has requester-abilities?
on chests one can use

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requester = (entity.prototype.logistic_mode == 'buffer') or (entity.prototype.logistic_mode == 'requester')
but that does not work on vehicles or charakters...

I played around with

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local slot = entity.get_request_slot(1)
but that throws an exception if tried on anything that does not have request-slots...
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Re: [1.1.2][Modding]event 'on_gui_opened' contains different entities if requests are configured in a logistic chest or

Post by Choumiko »

Currently i use

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to check if a spidertron/character can have logistic requests set
For characters this has worked for a long time, i added spidertrons recently and maybe got lucky that character_requester works
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Re: [1.1.2][Modding]event 'on_gui_opened' contains different entities if requests are configured in a logistic chest or

Post by Daeruun »

Thanks a lot, Choumiko, that seems to work nicely - can be used for chests as well, and I'm optimistic it will work on modded entities as well.


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defines.logistic_member_index = { logistic_container=0, vehicle_storage=1, character_requester=0, character_storage=1, character_provider=2, generic_on_off_behavior=0, }

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local logistic_point = entity.get_logistic_point(defines.logistic_member_index.character_requester)

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can be used to select every kind of logistic function checking against this:

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defines.logistic_mode={ none=0, active_provider=1, storage=2, requester=3, passive_provider=4, buffer=5, }
perhaps logistic_member_index should be extended by vehicle_requester=0, vehicle_provider=2 to prevent confusion or to make clear that this works correctly/as intended?
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