[kovarex] [1.1.0] Deconstructing belts makes the "New tips" menu box Jump

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[kovarex] [1.1.0] Deconstructing belts makes the "New tips" menu box Jump

Post by EurypteriD »

So i just started over on 1.1 experimental and i noticed while having the New tips Limiting Chests, and deconstructing belts the box is Jumping up and down

Dont have a screen recording program to show it.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.0] Deconstructing belts makes the "New tips" menu box Jump

Post by traycer »

Here's a recording of this happening in 1.1.1. The chat/console window bounces up and down too. I feel that the mining progress bar is an ephemeral part of the UI, and thus should not affect the alignment of the chat or tips windows. However, they _should_ respect the height of the quickbar itself.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.0] Deconstructing belts makes the "New tips" menu box Jump

Post by kovarex »

Thi s was kind of intended to make the tips & tricks vs console consistent, but it apparently triggers people so I will change it.

It will still change position when crafting queue is big, but won't change position depending on the bars.
Also, the console will be above tips and tricks when tips and tricks are present, but will still "jump" when mining, to avoid overlapping or weird empty space bweteen the chat and the quickbar, this is generally much smaller problem, as shields/vehicle bars dont re-appear that often, and players don't tend to mine while having console open :)
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.0] Deconstructing belts makes the "New tips" menu box Jump

Post by Zavian »

I would have thought that the obvious fix was rendering the mining progress bar behind chat/tips & tricks. (Chat is semi-transparent, so in that case the progress bar will be visible anyway).
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.0] Deconstructing belts makes the "New tips" menu box Jump

Post by kovarex »

Zavian wrote: Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:27 pm I would have thought that the obvious fix was rendering the mining progress bar behind chat/tips & tricks. (Chat is semi-transparent, so in that case the progress bar will be visible anyway).
It would look broken
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