I've played with circuits a little, and have a working setup for a lamp taking on different colors based on an item count. What I'm seeing is that you need one decider per color, and that's if you're happy with the color precedence of the resulting signals.
So what I'm looking for is a lamp that has a UI with a condition per color, so that I can have a 1x1 presence in my world, wired e.g. to a chest, but can then select the color of that lamp based on chest contents. Bonus points if you can reorder the colors (in the mod's UI), and the first true condition is the resulting color. If somebody's written that, well that'd just be awesome; if not, well then I might just have to learn lua...
Of course, now that I say that out loud, any multi-condition combinator that can implement an OR-condition would let you stop checking at the first true condition, and output that signal and no others, maybe? That would mean 1x1 for the standard lamp, and 2x1 for such a combinator, maybe? Not optimal, but better...
Any thoughts?
Multi-color lamp, in 1x1 space
Re: Multi-color lamp, in 1x1 space
Just an update, found Integrated Circuits, and while it doesn't quite do the 1x1 thing, it keeps me from needing additional combinators, and gives me a 1x3 status bar that I can put in front of my mall assemblers. So I'm giving that a go now, while I'm patiently waiting for 1.1 to drop :p.