Burner lamps used to get asked for a lot. I have a mod which provides a burner "lamp" which is actually a void energy source furnace that processes recipes based on any available items that have chemical fuel values. The bigger the fuel value, the longer the recipe. The light effect is just part of the working visualisation. The result of the recipe is either nothing or the fuel's "burnt result". This works OK because the "lamp" is rigged to burn for a long time so it doesn't really matter that the lamp burns all day and night. I sort of get why a lamp can't easily have a burner energy source because lamps don't have an inventory-based GUI, and items in fuel slots need an inventory-based GUI. (If that's not the reason though, an actual burner lamp would still be nice to have.)
You can do the same thing with fluids - a furnace or a fixed recipe crafting machine with a fluid box. For a fluid energy source though, the fluid box doesn't need a GUI. The player can't pick up fluids out of the slot anyway so they don't really need access to it. Because the "lamp" should really be burning the fluid at its actual energy value, it matters a lot more to the player that this thing is on all day when it doesn't need to be.
So it would be Nice To Have lamps which can burn fluid but be literal lamps.
Use case: impossible aetheric steam lamps that turn off during the day and could in theory be coloured by signals.