[0.11.1]save cannot load (luagame doesn't have gettext)

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[0.11.1]save cannot load (luagame doesn't have gettext)

Post by crazybmanp »

Interesting error, my world i have been running since at least alpha 5 (i think, its been so long) wouldn't load in this newest version. it was last loaded in 0.10.12. It gives a message saying: "Data\roaming\factorio\temp\currently-playing\control.lua:39: LuaGame doesn't have readable property gettext) and then goes back to the loading screen.

I am not quite sure why this world didn't convert properly as it seems most have. but being curious i opened the save file and opened control.lua to find this line at line 39:

Code: Select all

gt = game.gettext
now this is only used later on line 48 in a messagedialog to show the mission text, so my fix here was to delete these two lines on the pure suspicion that this won't break the save in any other way (since it is sandbox). the problem here is, i assume, that gettext was removed in this version, as stated in the patch notes.

either way, here are links to dasdf.zip, the original save game that was broken. and dasdffix.zip which is the one i hand-fixed. (both are too large for the forum)
https://mega.co.nz/#!7UxDkAgb!xOYu5pnWx ... X0Zd-W2B5c
https://mega.co.nz/#!7d4D3R6S!qwBJlaDSy ... vztmlL58GM

this is on windows x64.

i'm not sure if you want to rule this out since it is such a legacy save file but i thought i would share this with you.
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Re: [0.11.1]save cannot load (luagame doesn't have gettext)

Post by kovarex »


The control.lua represents the freeplay script. We have a mechanism, (migration script), that forces the script to be reloaded to new version, so it works when you move to the new version.
The problem is, that for some reason (probably because the save coming from old version) tha save doesn't contain the information, that it is a freeplay scenario, so the migration script didn't know where to take the script for the update.
We didn't keep the info about the scenario name in the map before, because it wasn't needed and than we added it to the map so we can make these migrations, but your map already existed at that time :)

But as you managed to fix the problem, you can just continue the game :)
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