multiplayer game

Suggestions that have been added to the game.

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Manual Inserter
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multiplayer game

Post by sener93 »

to improve the gaming experience I would propose to include the ability to play multiplayer
Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Re: multiplayer game

Post by ficolas »

this have been sugested 2^1024 times...
And yup, if you read some posts, it will be for version 0.5 (not sure, lemme check)

Factorio 0.4.0 (expected release at the end of April):

Game determinism and replay
- This is a first step towards the multiplayer
- Involves the replay functionality improvements (pause, fast forward, etc.)
First version of the scenario pack
- There will be three scenarios to start with
The trains
- Originally a stretch goal however we got a lot of requests for this
- There is already some functionality for the trains in the game and we want to finish it
Electricity improvements
- Accumulator entity
- Large electric pole
(Maybe) Speed improvements
- Thread separation of render and updater

Factorio 0.5.0 (expected release at the end of May):

First rough version of the multiplayer
- only cooperative mode probably with bugs
Automatic Factorio updater
- no need for manual download anymore
Additional resources and electricity sources
- titan and uran
- nuclear energy
- advanced mining drills
Standard Campaign and Scenario Pack Extension
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: multiplayer game

Post by Morzan »

Hm. Really 2^1024 times?

2^1024 is:

Sorry for the bad english!

Used mods: F mod, Treefarm mod
Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
Posts: 1068
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:24 am

Re: multiplayer game

Post by ficolas »

Hahaha YUP! 2^1024
Posts: 49
Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:09 pm

Re: multiplayer game

Post by Candunc »

ficolas wrote:179.769.313.486.231.590.772.930.519.078.902.473.361.797.697.894.230.657.273.430.081.157.732.675.805.500.963.132.708.477.322.407.536.
Hahaha YUP! 2^1024
Please note, for those non-Europeans please use spaces or don't put anything there at all. With global communities like this, the way you write large numbers are different. IE
$10.49 and $10,49. Either one could be interpreted as ten dollars and 49 cents, or one thousand forty nine dollars depending on where you live and how you write numbers.
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