Code: Select all
data:extend {{
name = "fairy-dust-powered-inserter",
type = "inserter",
pivot_offset = {0,-0.225},
Use case: taller platforms for inserters, e.g. a platform with pipe connections.
Code: Select all
data:extend {{
name = "fairy-dust-powered-inserter",
type = "inserter",
pivot_offset = {0,-0.225},
Uh ... probably, for my use case. You could assume the platform is just rotating around the Z axis through the same pivot point, in which case, the centre of the platform would be offset by the same amount regardless of direction.
If it was just for used for rendering, it won't make any performance differenceRseding91 wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 5:42 pm This isn't likely to happen since it would mean all base game inserters have 1 more dynamic property to read in each tick as they move slowing them down just that tiny bit more for something they will never use in base game.
Inserters are currently the highest CPU consumer by far on almost every save except ones with 50,000+ robots in the air all the time.