Struggling with a simple combinator setup

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Struggling with a simple combinator setup

Post by adam_bise »

Howdy, I have a set of labs and beacons wired to a power switch. I have an isolated accu and solar panel with a single lab that I use to detect when is a research happening.

The goal is to power the beacons when they're needed and shut them off otherwise.

I did this with a simple SR latch A<90,S A=100,R S>R,S

I wanted to make the whole thing react a little faster, since it takes a while for one solar to fill up the accu and one lab to drain it.

I want a setup that will trigger a "set" on A<90 but only if A was previously 100, and trigger a "reset" on A>10 but only if A was previously 0

I have tried making more complicated latches, with no luck. Any advise on this one?

My last attempt:

Set latch:

Reset latch:


This basically didn't work, and several similar ones I've tried also didn't work. I think perhaps I am going about the whole idea in a wrong way.

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Re: Struggling with a simple combinator setup

Post by MassiveDynamic »

It sounds like you need a couple of isolator sr “primary” circuits that only allow the secondary circuits you’ve already built to work after the primary threshold has been met.

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Re: Struggling with a simple combinator setup

Post by Yoyobuae »

Using a simple SR latch is the right way to go. What you need to do is to modify the SET and RESET conditions to react to the accumulator charging/discharging, regardless of the actual charge level. Converting a varying signal into a rate of change signal can be done with an arithmetic combinator and some wiring:

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Re: Struggling with a simple combinator setup

Post by MassiveDynamic »

I am envious of your genius

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Re: Struggling with a simple combinator setup

Post by adam_bise »

Awesome! Exactly what I needed. Thank you!

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