Artillery turrets seem to be different from the other turret types in that they don't have an ignore/attack mask. That would be OK, because they seem to have spawners and worms hard-coded as the only allowed targets. But why on Nauvis would they start to shoot at a dummy that's just a simple-entity-with-force?So what happen was, that because of the mod my artillery and also personal laser started firing at acid splashes, which in return (with atillery) destroyed my turrets that got spit on, which is uhm not good for my defense line.
The PLD is also a problem. It doesn't have target masks either, and if I equip it and walk past an acid splash, the PLD will start shooting at it. As the dummies are immune to all damage kinds but the damages of my turrets, this is pointless: The PLD will never look for another target until the dummy is out of range because it can't kill it. Also, if the splash is on one of my entities, it could kill that instead.
Does anybody have an idea how to cope with these problems?