LuaGuiElement for graphs like production/electricity

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LuaGuiElement for graphs like production/electricity

Post by sparr »

I'd like to be able to present a multi-series line graph in a mod gui, like the built-in graphs for production and electricity. I imagine this would involve a new LuaGuiElement type, and a new method for updating the graph data.

Code: Select all

data = {
graph = someframe.add{type="graph"}
... [one or many ticks later] ...
The vertical axis would automatically scale and label based on the data, like the existing graphs.

Some way to provide horizontal axis labels would be needed, but I suspect the internal representation of the graph would lend itself to some specific lua representation that I don't want to guess at.
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Re: LuaGuiElement for graphs like production/electricity

Post by raiguard »

+1. I would like to use graphs as well!
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Re: LuaGuiElement for graphs like production/electricity

Post by Rseding91 »

I could implement this but it would have absolutely terrible performance and most likely a super complex/annoying API to use... both of those combined means it would take a lot of time to do and very few people would make use of it.

So, I don't really see this happening.
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Re: LuaGuiElement for graphs like production/electricity

Post by sparr »

For anyone who comes here later looking for this feature, here's a mod with some functionality you might be able to use:
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