[1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

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[1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by spiral_power »

There are some byproducts in bob's mods.
Byproducts doesn't appear at statistics. (items and fluids)
They are long term cycled, so they must be balanced.
I also tested simple one at sandbox.

I thought this is a game engine issue, but if this is a individual mod issue, tell me.

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Bob's revamp
Version: 0.18.6
Date: 29. 06. 2020
- Added a lot of byproducts as Catalyst (you don't get this result from Productivity bonus)
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by Klonan »

Its a mod issue, mods can say whether an item is considered a catalyst or not
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by spiral_power »

ok, thank you.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by spiral_power »


This issue may be not a bug, wrong usage of CATALYST, but there is a problem in real.
I hope developers gives us some solutions.

Statistics won't balance, it is strange!
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by Deadlock989 »

spiral_power wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:02 am from

This issue may be not a bug, wrong usage of CATALYST, but there is a problem in real.
I hope developers gives us some solutions.

Statistics won't balance, it is strange!
There are many modded situations where catalysts are created and destroyed in vast numbers. That is how catalysts work in Factorio. There are very few other viable choices. We have arrived at where we are now after several years of developer time and bug reports and discussions from modders.

In some mods, there is an original route to making the item, and then it also acts as a catalyst in other recipes. If you also included the catalyst function in item stats then there would be no way to tell it apart from the stats for its original creation. Unless you listed them separately, which would be a new and additional type of confusing.

Catalysts should never be counted as being created and consumed. The idea is that they simply "pass through" the machine. In some mods, catalysts have a 100% chance of being consumed and, say, a 99% chance of being "re-created". In that case, the catalyst production should show up in your stats, because you are presumably having to produce more new catalyst to replace what was slowly being lost. But if it is 100% and 100% then nothing is ever being "produced".

This is not a bug and not a problem and not "wrong usage" and it should not be changed from the way it is now.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by ickputzdirwech »

Catalysts shouldn’t show up in the production statistics but as long as I haven’t overlooked anything in this thread (and all the linked ones) nobody wants that. The following quote from bobingabout sums up pretty well what is needed here:
I'm using the same tag for something different, the product isn't something that goes in and comes back out, but only a Byproduct that comes out, and I'm using the catalyst tag to force it to not also be produced on the productivity run.
So to fix the issue a tag for individual (by)products is needed that disables the productivity bonus from this specific (by)product

Edit: the quote is from this post: viewtopic.php?p=515396#p515396
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by Deadlock989 »

ItemProductPrototype.catalyst_amount does both jobs at once.

If you separate those jobs out then every mod that has balanced itself around that specification will break.

Do not want.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by ickputzdirwech »

Wouldn't it be possible to add that flag without changing what catalyst_amount does? Then mods wouldn't break.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by bobingabout »

I don't use Catalyst all that much, but in most cases, when I do, it's for a byproduct, Something that you don't usually want, something that you don't want a second helping to when the productivity progress bar completes.

If a second tag was added for this specific purpose, I wouldn't mind reworking my mod around it.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by spiral_power »

Thank you all.
Krastorio2 may have same issue.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by orzelek »

I guess you'd need to go to modding interface requests with this one.
It seems that there is a tag needed to disable productivity for result of recipe but still keep it in stats etc.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by spiral_power »

This problem still seems to be unresolved.
I consider statistical information to be one of the most important aspects of factorio and regret that it is incorrect.
I've been doing Space Exploration for the last year or two, and I feel it even more so because of the complexity of the by-products.
Do people not look at the graphs in the statistics?

I am not a mod author and will not suggest interfaces.
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Re: [1.0.0] Byproducts don't appear in statistics

Post by AartBluestoke »

perhaps the issue could be avoided by adding to the statistics the difference between input and output?

that way catalysts that are not consumed don't count on production or consumption, but they count as consumed in the 1% case where they get consumed.
for something like kvorax it would be net production -235, net consumption 3-238, modulated by productivity boosts.
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