Simple Questions and Short Answers

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by Ronjons »

I am looking for a comprehensive guide to the various symbols that can show up on your buildings/equipment.
For instance I have factory buildings that seems to be working but show a yellow II symbol on them.
Also I have see a red exclamation point. I would just like a guide to understanding the possible status symbols for items in the game.

I have probably missed finding this in the game documentation - probably because I was not sure what to search for.

Thank you kindly for any info you can provide.


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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by astroshak »

Not too many symbols that I can think of for vanilla.

Yellow triangle with “broadcast arcs” inside on logistics chests means they are not in logistics range of a roboport.
Yellow triangle with a lightning bolt inside means the machine lacks power.
Yellow triangle with I think a gear in it means you copied/blueprinted a machine with modules in it and the machine has been placed but it is still waiting on at least one modules
Red triangle with a gas can means the building consumes fuel to do its thing and has run out.
Red triangle with three vertical lines (supposed to be bullets) means the turret is out of ammo.

On the bottom of the screen to the right of the toolbar you can see several symbols, you can mouse over them to see what they are and click to see where:
Yellow triangle with exclamation point means turrets are firing somewhere.
Red triangle with exclamation point means something is taking damage.
Red triangle with an X means that something has been destroyed.
I forget the symbol but there is something for not enough logistics storage space (bots want to drop something off but have nowhere to put it).
There is a symbol for not enough machines to place what you want bots to place. I love you too honk this same symbol is used for not enough bots for the jobs, as well.
There is a symbol for a train that has run out of fuel.

There may be a couple more I’m not thinking of. Sorry but I am at work and not in front of the game or I would try to get some screenshots of the symbols for you.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by disentius »

@Ronjons: do you have any mods installed?

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by Psy185 »

SoShootMe wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:21 am
Psy185 wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:25 am
I tried using a train speed mod, because I was interested in an increased maximum train speed (like maybe 400km/h instead of 300), but this mod was really overpowered. IIRC it gave me something like 3000 km/h and instant Braking Force.
Does anyone know how to reset the braking force completly or how to reduce it manually with a command?
I'm not sure why unresearching didn't work but you should be able to set braking force bonus to what you get from the standard researches (up to and including Braking force 7) with:

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.train_braking_force_bonus = 1
Thank you so much! :D works like a charm

Unresearching did reset the research in the research tree, but had no effect on the braking force itself.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by valneq »

Ronjons wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:26 pm
I am looking for a comprehensive guide to the various symbols that can show up on your buildings/equipment.
For instance I have factory buildings that seems to be working but show a yellow II symbol on them.
This sounds like the mod "Bottleneck", showing a yellow circle with a "pause" symbol when a machine is waiting because its output is blocked, or a green circle with a "play" symbol when the machine is working again.

In vanilla, all status symbols should have an explanation. You should be able to find it in the tooltip when hovering over the effected structure under "Status".

Some special symbols are entities by themselves that you can hover over and see a separate tooltip explaining what it means.
A request for bots to exchange modules in a machine is one such example.

Otherwise, you should have dedicated warning symbols at the bottom of the screen, as was explained previously.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by Ronjons »

I have very few Mods installed, but yes I have "Bottleneck"
I think that is probably the explanation, except I can't even find the info from the ' Bottlenesk" web site :)

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by Voidedfactory »

Ronjons wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:49 pm
I have very few Mods installed, but yes I have "Bottleneck"
I think that is probably the explanation, except I can't even find the info from the ' Bottlenesk" web site :)
From the main menu, you can go Settings>Mod Settings> Map, and look for the header for BOttleneck. It'll give you a list of various states for that light that you can adjust as you want (or just leave them to defaults, if you will). They're all pretty self-explanatory from there.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by rbrtwtt »

Noob here and maybe a stupid question, my game blueprints are completely empty, is that supposed to be that way?

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by Serenity »

Blueprints are something you create yourself or import

Also "game blueprints" are tied to the game save. In a vanilla game you probably want blueprints to be persistent between games and use the other tab

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by rbrtwtt »

Ok cool, I thought there were some pre installed blueprints that I missed after installing the game...Thanks for clearing that up!

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by In_Rust_I_Trust »

I've got an oil field that's producing barely any oil anymore. Is there a way for me to build a rail station and have it summon a train automatically whenever the oil storage tanks are 90% full? Is there a better way to deal with depreciated oil fields like this?

Right now, I'm just using it to barrel up some HCl and lubricant and I'm transporting the barrels to my science pack area by hand once in a while. I'm considering setting up a fluid train to do that the next time I re-make my science production facilities., but I have a low enough throughput that it's not a priority for me right now.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by ickputzdirwech »

1. You could research mining productivity bonus and/or use speed modules in the pump jacks and beacons with speed modules around them to increase the production rate.

2. You could just stop using this oil field any more.

3. Why should the train go there only if it can fill up immediately? Make an individual train that goes between the oil field and your refining area. Set it to “only leave with full cargo” and let it wait at the outpost.

4. To answer your question: Connect the train stop and the storage tanks with a circuit wire. Set the train stop to be only enabled if a certain threshold is reached.
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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by Nicco »

ickputzdirwech wrote:
Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:39 am
3. Why should the train go there only if it can fill up immediately? Make an individual train that goes between the oil field and your refining area. Set it to “only leave with full cargo” and let it wait at the outpost.
What if In_Rust_I_Trust has for example 10 or 20 oil fields like that? That would be 10-20 trains, if you can do it with just 1 train what means 9-19 problems less to worry about :)

In_Rust_I_Trust wrote:
Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:15 am
I've got an oil field that's producing barely any oil anymore. Is there a way for me to build a rail station and have it summon a train automatically whenever the oil storage tanks are 90% full? Is there a better way to deal with depreciated oil fields like this?

I would use here very basic circuit network at depleted oil rail station.
Let's name loading and unloading stations OIL and UNLOAD. Let's assume you're using train with 4 tankers (100k fluid).

At OIL build 5 (4+1extra) storage tanks to store oil. Make simple circuit network by connecting them to train stop OIL. Make OIL stop enabled when Crude Oil >100k (100k capacity of 4 tankers, 4x25k). Then head to UNLOAD stop and done.

If you have another oil field like that do exactly the same, and name train stop OIL as well. Train will go to either of them. And you can build third OIL, and fourth OIL...

If you're annoyed that this empty train stays at UNLOAD most of the time, use dummy station sollution: ... ins_using/

Hope it helped!

My simple question:

I'm playing with nuclear power layout atm, you know, reactor, heat pipes, heat exchangers etc. I'm learning about heat spreading through system and I'm concerned about energy loss.

Please confirm or deny that:
As long as reactor temperature is below 1000 degrees there is no energy loss.

Thank you.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by thereaverofdarkness »

Since the oil field, once depleted, becomes a permanent resource and will never change its output rate, you can simply get an estimation of how long that will take and calibrate the train to come that often. You can also use this train for other tasks that always take the same amount of time every time. If you write up a train time table (best in a separate document or on paper), then you can maintain an inactive slot which you can later allocate for other tasks. Simply estimate or record the time taken on the new task, and merge that into part of the inactive section of the train's timetable. You can keep doing that until the train's timetable is full.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by Impatient »

if you just want 1 oil train for 20 depleted oil fields you can do this easily, but you need one designated unloading station for this train. let's call this station "CDU".

you set up the oil fields so that their respective station is activated only if the desired amount of oil was collected (like in some of the suggestions above), and you name all the stations at these oil fields the same. let's say "CDL".

you set up the train to move between cdu and cdl.
and that's all.

the train will wait in cdu until one of the cdl is activated, go there, collected crude, go back to cdu and wait there until another cdl is activated.

this works reliable with one single train to do this job and one designated unloading+ waiting station for that job.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by disentius »

your Assumption is correct. Heat pipes have no energy loss over time. (same as steam) ... lear_power

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by DJQuad »

Is it a bug that radars can't be deconstructed using the deconstruction planner?

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by astroshak »

While I have not tried specifically to remove a Radar with a Deconstruction Planner, I have to ask : did you have any kind of filter set for the Planner? If no filter is set, they remove everything (and can remove tiles, too, if there’s nothing else for them to remove). If a filter is set, they will either remove everything else, leaving the filtered items alone, or they will remove only the filtered items (depending on whether its a whitelist or a blacklist filter).

If something is not being removed, I suspect you have a filter set that prevents the item from being removed.

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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by eradicator »

DJQuad wrote:
Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:05 pm
Is it a bug that radars can't be deconstructed using the deconstruction planner?
They deconstruct just fine. Maybe you have a bugged mod.
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Re: Simple Questions and Short Answers

Post by DJQuad »

Here's the default one -

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