It's not actually making it from nothing though, it's making it from water. A lot of people ignore that water part, but if you think about it, it's a resource, but one where the supply doesn't run out, just like Oil.jchardin64 wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:10 pm But since it's basically creating useful stuff (O, Cl, NaOH) from nothing, it shouldn't be possible to also make it supply excess energy.
I think the "Break even" point would simply be to double the cost of Electrolysis, or was it quadruple, it's been a while, but balancing the energy from Hydrogen against the electrolysis cost is something I've spent a lot of time on over the years.
I get what you're saying that you shouldn't get "free energy" from burning it, but, I've looked into what other games do. For example, Oxygen not included. They used to have this realistic method where you could use electrolysis to get oxygen and hydrogen from water, then put the hydrogen into a specific power plant to burn it, and get energy out, not enough to even power the electrolyser. Many people complained that hydrogen even existing was pointless and a pain in the backside, and made electrolysis an undesirable method of getting oxygen.(Especially when you consider that water itself is a valuable resource.) So they changed it so that burning hydrogen could not only power the entire electrolysis process, but only use about half of the power it generated. In other words, they've done the reverse of what you're saying I should do.
Keep in mind I'm trying to keep everyone happy here, this is one of those "Massive headache" topics, where no matter what you do, somebody isn't happy with the result. There's people like you who believe that you shouldn't be able to make an electrical profit on burning hydrogen, but then there's the other group of people who would consider it pointless if you couldn't gain energy from doing it.
Sure, your argument has reality on its side, in reality, it costs more to create the hydrogen from electrolysis than you get back from burning it, but realism doesn't always make for the best gameplay.