Belt-fed tankless pumpless self-booting tileable 2xN nuclear reactor

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Belt-fed tankless pumpless self-booting tileable 2xN nuclear reactor

Post by foamy »


2x14 segment configuration producing 4.32 GW sustained, 4.64 GW peak. Tileable sub-segments of heat exchangers (2x12, includes offshore pumps, for 233 MW per stripe) and turbines (2x20, for 232 MW per stripe); ten on each side are required to tile with the reactors. Neither water nor steam flow limit output: the output limit for the sustained is from the reactors, and the limit for peak is the steam turbines.

Turbines are set so that any of the row nearest the reactors can be isolated and hooked into the power to the reactor's inserters, which have surprisingly large spike loads (~3.9 MW for the 2x14 block if they all trigger at once, which is the likely case), in order to ensure power during brownout conditions.

Tileable out to the capacity of 1 blue belt's worth of output containers without modification (1.44 TW). With a lane-swap, tileable out to 2 belts' worth (2.88 TW). When tiling, the inserters inserting fuel cells into the reactor need to be manually wired (green) across the seam.

Intended to be built in a lake of minimum width 28. Prints include landfill. If desired, tanks can be easily added after the turbine columns, to any wanted capacity, but as that is a trivial operation I am not including prints for such.

Basic reactor controls for timing, manual start, and brownout protection included. Incorporates a decider (outputs a check if everything = 0) to process any additional blocking conditions on fuel insertion desired (e.g., adding tanks and measuring steam, main grid accumulator status, etc). Connect the medium power poles in the control print to the fuel cell inserters in the reactor print with green wire.

I make no claims whatsoever about UPS friendliness, though I've tried to restrict fluid pipes and intersections to the minimum. However, for both heat flow and energy storage purposes, there are a large quantity of heat pipes.

Blueprint book:
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