Blueprints - Control to skip to next blueprint book

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Blueprints - Control to skip to next blueprint book

Post by redkyleb2 »

tl;dr: Ctrl+Shift+Scroll should skip to the first blueprint in the next book (in the specified direction)

With the new blueprints and nesting blueprint books within each other, some blueprint books can be hard to find because they are buried in the book with many other blueprints. To fix this, I think a control should be added to jump between blueprint books, and since Shift+Scroll moves between blueprints, I think Ctrl+Shift+Scroll or a similar key combination would logically jump between books. For multiple blueprint books within each other (3+ layers of nesting), I think this could just go as far down the blueprint tree as possible, starting from the current location and picking the first book at every step, and then just continue moving through the books in the lowest layer, before moving into the next book in the lowest layer, and so on. While this still leads to situations of having to scroll through multiple books, I think it will be very uncommon for nested blueprint books to have tons of nested blueprint books, and it would still be better than scrolling through each blueprint individually.
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