I'm new to the factorio forums but have supported for the game for a long time, and thought it a good time to contribute to the community. Hello factorio community!

My day job is as a composer/producer and, listening to the factorio soundtrack as it is, I wondered if anyone in the modding community would help me put a music mod pack together so there's a little more variety available if people want it. Is this a possibility with the current modding capabilities? Forgive my technical ignorance!
Currently I'm thinking of putting in some pseudo-industrial, maybe techno/ambient stuff a bit like this sort of thing as it's what I hear in my head when playing. These are from my back catalog, but it would be nice to write some new stuff too. I'd have to make these older ones longer by looping sections etc but that's the easy bit - I just need help getting them into the game!
If anyone knows if its possible or how to do (maybe there's a dead obvious link I'm missing) it I'd greatly appreciate the help. Ideally someone who could guide me into doing it!