Increase player reach for things you can do with blueprints

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Increase player reach for things you can do with blueprints

Post by GuiltyBystander »

Allow players to set the recipes of assemblers (and configure combinators/inserters/etc.) with unlimited range.
What ?
I can think of 3 ways to set the recipe of a building and they don't all have the same functioning range
  • Interacting directly with the building to set the recipe. Range: Player's reach
  • Shift+right click to copy recipe of existing building, then shift+left click to transfer it to target building. Range: Player's reach
  • Place blueprint of building (from blueprint library or from ctrl+c) on top of existing target building. Range: Unlimited
It seems like inconsistent behavior to let the player perform essentially the same action but with different restriction on range base on how you do it.
Why ?
  • I've often had to fix a recipe of a building from far away. Sometimes it's because I misclicked and didn't set it properly, or maybe I built up an area before I had the recipe researched. Having to create a blueprint to fix these simple things is a hassle.
  • Debugging/changing a combinator or splitter's settings remotely is also possible with blueprints but is a lot more work.
    1. Copy problem combinator that's far away with ctrl+c
    2. Build blueprint ghost next to you
    3. Build the combinator by hand (or wait for robots to build it)
    4. Open combinator and fix the problem
    5. Copy combinator with ctrl+c
    6. Build blueprint on top of the combinator that's far away
    With this change it would be
    1. Open the combinator far away and fix the problem
    Why should we be forced to do it the complicated way? Unless devs don't really want us using blueprints this way in the first place.
  • New players wanting to change an assembler's recipe might not know that they can do this with blueprints, so why limit them?
This change does not introduce any OP features. Limiting the range to set recipes/configurations with only some interaction is a false limitation since it can be accomplished anyways with blueprints. This just streamlines and lets players continue using skills/tools they already know without having to do something more complicated to get the job done.
Why not?
If you allow players to interact with buildings from further away, it might confuse them when they try to add/remove items. However, this downside shouldn't be a reason to not extend the range of shift+right/left click.

Speaking of, what happens to materials inside an assembler when you change the recipe remotely with a blueprint anyways?
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Re: Increase player reach for things you can do with blueprints

Post by Kyralessa »

Couldn't one also argue that placing a power pole, placing a power-pole ghost, and placing a power-pole blueprint, are essentially the same action?
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Re: Increase player reach for things you can do with blueprints

Post by GuiltyBystander »

Kyralessa wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:03 am Couldn't one also argue that placing a power pole, placing a power-pole ghost, and placing a power-pole blueprint, are essentially the same action?
Kyralessa wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:03 am placing a power-pole ghost, and placing a power-pole blueprint, are essentially the same action?
Yes. They should, and do, have the same range you can use them.
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Re: Increase player reach for things you can do with blueprints

Post by ssilk »

There are similar suggestions:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=50138 Opening entities and placing wires from map

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=84697 Better UX for placing, removing, and configuring ghost structures

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=57028 Allow adjustment of constant combinators from the map screen

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=48625 Allow changing entity settings from radar remote view

I think the first one brings it to the point in the best way.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Increase player reach for things you can do with blueprints

Post by Ajedi32 »

Other things you can control remotely by placing blueprints but can't control using the more conventional UI:
  • Place/cut circuit wires
  • Place/remove modules (using bots)
There are also a bunch of little UI inconsistencies between placing ghost structures and placing structures directly which I believe should be corrected. ssilk already linked my post about those above.

I agree it would be much better if you could do all this remotely via the usual UI rather than having to mess with blueprints. There's an argument to be made that this functionality should be limited to areas that have construction bot coverage, but once that requirement is satisfied I don't see any reason this shouldn't all be possible to do remotely using the same UI you'd use if you were there in-person.
If you allow players to interact with buildings from further away, it might confuse them when they try to add/remove items.
For what it's worth, there's precedent for this already. You can reconfigure trains remotely, but can't access their fuel unless you're standing nearby.
Speaking of, what happens to materials inside an assembler when you change the recipe remotely with a blueprint anyways?
Good question. I was under the impression that logistic bots come along and remove the items, just like when you delete a chest. I might be wrong though. IMO this might be a good argument for requiring a construction bot to come along and touch the building to apply the change.
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