For the sake of discussion I rolled back to 0.15 and checked. This design was perfectly doable without bricking anything.conn11 wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:16 am
Such designs weren‘t possible when fluid mixing was a thing. It just bricked your pipe network.
The backup input should be something achieveable with a little more sophisticated contraption.
Though funktional fluid mixing would have some use for flamethrower turrets, in most other entities it would collide with the fluid boxses.
A little bit out of scope for 1.0 IMO.
As for a post launch rework of fluid dynamics ...
All it required was :
- on the input side. A tank for each fluid you would like to flow to be able to check the level, one pump after the tanks linked to a circuit breaker and some logic.
- on the output side. One pump for each fluid controlled by a circuit breaker linked to a tank.
And now you can control your oil stock and, if it runs low, just stop the input pump, enable the output one to purge the system, enable the backup input pump and disable the corresponding output pump. That's not even a complex system.
And I have to say my idea of a fluid loading deck is very doable in the vanilla 0.17 game (or would have been if fluid mixing was still possible) as you have multiple fluids (not a lot but still) and tank wagons. So that's another potential use for the base game.