Ever since I loaded up Angel Industries the endless research burned through my entire stone reserves.
What are others doing to get enough stone? What am I doing wrong?
I am already geode washing/crushing like hell just to get more stone while flushing the crystal slurry out the void because I don't nearly need that much of it and it still isn't enough to deal with the ridiculous stone demand of Angel Industries blocks.
Problem is probably that due to high level bob productivity modules I put in most machines throughout the crafting cascade I don't nearly consume that much ore that I would produce enough crushed stone as byproduct. In fact I consume several times more crushed stone than ALL ores combined.
At this point I wish that it would be possible to put in some Bob Productivity Modules into the the crushed stone/stone recipe just to get more because I don't know what else I am supposed to do.

Already consider loading up creative mod and putting an autorefill chest there with stone because I am tired of setting up more and more geode crushing stuff.