About Stone...

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About Stone...

Post by MeduSalem »

... while others seem to swim in it... I am completely out of stone. It seems like I don't manage to get enough of it in endgame. I am entirely bottlenecked by it.

Ever since I loaded up Angel Industries the endless research burned through my entire stone reserves.

What are others doing to get enough stone? What am I doing wrong?

I am already geode washing/crushing like hell just to get more stone while flushing the crystal slurry out the void because I don't nearly need that much of it and it still isn't enough to deal with the ridiculous stone demand of Angel Industries blocks.

Problem is probably that due to high level bob productivity modules I put in most machines throughout the crafting cascade I don't nearly consume that much ore that I would produce enough crushed stone as byproduct. In fact I consume several times more crushed stone than ALL ores combined.

At this point I wish that it would be possible to put in some Bob Productivity Modules into the the crushed stone/stone recipe just to get more because I don't know what else I am supposed to do. :lol:

Already consider loading up creative mod and putting an autorefill chest there with stone because I am tired of setting up more and more geode crushing stuff.
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Re: About Stone...

Post by mig5323 »

You could do water electrolysis for slag, to make into stone. Probably power hungry, but that's not a concern in end game.
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Re: About Stone...

Post by MeduSalem »

mig5323 wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:35 pm You could do water electrolysis for slag, to make into stone. Probably power hungry, but that's not a concern in end game.
Yeah, also doing that in parallel already. Did that since the old days already but I still dislike it... just as I dislike geode crushing.

Generally I dislike the idea of having to vent something into the void because there is no other way. In my base I usually try to reuse every byproduct.

That said I might have found the main source of my stone drain. Seems like they updated the stacksize of the blocks from 200 to 1000 or something. I didn't notice that immediately... so the entire base was running at 100% to stock up the stacks to 1000... consuming all stone in the process.
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Re: About Stone...

Post by Termak »

You can turn crystal slurry into mineral one to fully utilize it instead of throwing it away.
Then your geodes should last much longer.
Last edited by Termak on Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: About Stone...

Post by valneq »

Termak wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:00 am You can turn crystal slurry into mineral one to fully utilize it instead of throwing it away.
Yeah but for that you need mineralized water … which comes primarily from stone …
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Re: About Stone...

Post by Termak »

Mineral water is sideproduct from many other stuffs too, but yes true. I know i had similar issue when i got to t8 modules and endgame on my last run but running geodes and then crushing the crystals to get more stone did solve it iirc. Sorry havent ran the numbers, however just farming slag from electrolysis sounds so horribly ineffective that it cannot be the best way.

Also you can get catalysts made from thermal water. And i hope you arent getting all your ores from combosorting, ferrous/cupric recipes are really nice.
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Re: About Stone...

Post by MeduSalem »

Termak wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:00 am You can turn crystal slurry into mineral one to fully utilize it instead of throwing it away.
Then your geodes should last much longer.
Also doing that already. But...
valneq wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:03 am Yeah but for that you need mineralized water
... Yeah. I am out of mineralized water too.

That said I find the crystallizing part kinda annoyingly slow... and the ores are paired in the recipes in such a way that the one I need more is paired with one I don't need at all... further adding to the imbalance of ores problem.

Termak wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:09 am Sorry havent ran the numbers, however just farming slag from electrolysis sounds so horribly ineffective that it cannot be the best way.

Also you can get catalysts made from thermal water. And i hope you arent getting all your ores from combosorting, ferrous/cupric recipes are really nice.
Also yes, the water electrolysis is horribly inefficient. It gets the job done, yes, but at what cost.

I mean I need oxygen/hydrogen anyway... but usually I need more oxygen and I have to vent the Hydrogen (albeit I might think of another use for it)
Termak wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:09 am Also you can get catalysts made from thermal water. And i hope you arent getting all your ores from combosorting, ferrous/cupric recipes are really nice.
Nah, I am getting most Iron Ore related stuff from ferrous sorting already... and I have a circuit network setup going that always looks which ore I have the most of (Manganese, Chrome, Cobalt, Iron, Nickel) etc... and pick that one to be used for smelting the related ingot mixtures to Molten Iron/Steel etc.

Due to always using the ore with the most surplus and switching over to the next one with the most surplus after that and so on I already got the Ferric consumption completely balanced out.

That said where it kinda doesn't work well is the Cupric part. I swim in Gold and Platin... and I can't get rid of the stuff. There are not nearly enough consumers for gold/platin to use the later stages of cupric sorting to the full extend. It works well up until silicon is added, but once gold is added to the output it stalls due to lack of gold consumption, and Platin is used even less. Not even with Angel's Industries that makes more use of Gold/Platin. Still too few consumers.

There probably should be some alternative Copper smelting recipes... mixtures from various cupric ingots like copper+gold ingots or copper+platinum... the way it is done with Iron/Steel/Titanium using cobalt/manganese/chromium. That way one might get rid of them and in return balance out the cupric sorting and decrease the pure copper ore consumption altogether.

The other ores that don't come from Ferric/Cupric sorting I get from combo sorting where possible, but usually it doesn't work because one of the outputs is already blocked by either Ferric/Cupric sorting taking priority or crap like Uranium ore or Tungsten ore which I don't need that much blocking the output of all other ores from combo sorting.

So what happens then is that some ores that fall into that bad spot that aren't covered by Ferric/Cupric and/or are blocked by a stalled output of combo sorting fall back to direct catalyst sorting... like for example lead ore or aluminium ore.

The saddest part is definitely the aluminium because you need so much of it.

That said maybe I should change the priority? Because that's the part I am least sure about.

Currently Ferric/Cupric take priority, then Combo Sorting, then Catalyst Sorting and finally Crystallizing.

Maybe it should be:

Combo Sorting > Ferric/Cupric Sorting > Crystallizing > Catalyst Sorting
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Re: About Stone...

Post by MeduSalem »

Played around a bit and got to do more Crystallizing instead of venting the slurry.

Somehow I managed to kinda have enough stone now... but now I am chronically out of sulfur/sulfuric acid. :lol:
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Re: About Stone...

Post by Termak »

You dont need to use the most advanced ferrous/cupric recipes, just tier 1/2 ones are great for most stuff, you can run the more advanced ones if you need their products.
T1 ferrous is pretty much pure ironplates/steel from the get go without extra sideproducts and you dont need to even use lubricant or anything for it.
Cupric is slightly more complicated but you can easily use it if you dnt go all the way to later tiers.
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Re: About Stone...

Post by MeduSalem »

Termak wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:03 am You dont need to use the most advanced ferrous/cupric recipes, just tier 1/2 ones are great for most stuff, you can run the more advanced ones if you need their products.
T1 ferrous is pretty much pure ironplates/steel from the get go without extra sideproducts and you dont need to even use lubricant or anything for it.
Cupric is slightly more complicated but you can easily use it if you dnt go all the way to later tiers.
I already have a priority system going exactly for that. If it can take from T4 it takes from T4, if it can't because some output is blocked it tries to take from T3... next from T2 then from T1 and so on and so forth until it tried all tiers of sorting (ferric/cupric/combo) mechanisms and if none work because they are all blocked by something piling up then finally it takes from direct catalyst sorting as the last resort.

That said for T1 cupric sorting you get Tin and I don't nearly use as much Tin (despite using it in a lot of other molten metal mixtures) as I need copper ... so T1 output of cupric sorting is also blocked most of the time due to Tin not being used as much as copper.

Hence why I say the mod currently lacks a way to reduce copper ore consumption and increasing other lesser used ores by mixing those other types of ingots into making molten copper.
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Re: About Stone...

Post by Termak »

You can change the ratio to more copper than tin by using the second stage of cupric processing, and then just fill rest with direct copper. Silicon will be easily used.
If you use cupric and ferrous recipes your catalyst needs shouldnt be excessive and stone shouldnt be that big issue anymore when you complement it by using geodes. Production and military sciences are propably the biggest consumers of stone due to bricks and you can fill the brick furnaces with productivity also iirc.
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